So here's my CS [hider= Tóra Gunnarsdotter] [b]Name:[/b] Tóra Gunnarsdotter [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-six [b]Race:[/b] Nord [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] If someone had to describe Tóra in one word that word would almost certainly be scruffy. Her shoulder length brown hair is untidy cut and will often have twigs or other detritus tangled up in it while her bluey-green eyes are normally surrounded by the dirt and grime that she uses as improvised camouflage. On the whole her face is somewhat sharp and angular and combine with her small tight lips to give Tóra a naturally disapproving expression. At just a smidgen over six feet tall Tóra stand amongst her fellow nords in terms of height but her light and slender build means that rather than seeming strong and powerful, Tóra looks awkward and gangly, almost slightly elven. Tóra’s right forearm is marked by a large and vivid bite mark and her ribs are scared by a bear claw mark. [b]Personality:[/b] As a hunter Tóra has long gotten used to being by herself and is more than comfortable with silence. That's not to say that she is anti-social, it’s just that she prefers staying quiet to prolonged chit chat and small talk. When she does speak on a subject Tóra can be blunt, almost to the point of rudeness, preferring to drive straight for the heart of the issue often ignoring those small things like tact and feelings. She is the type of person who finds amusement in the small misfortunes of others. If you fall flat on your face into a pile of cow dung in front of Tóra expect nothing more than laughter from her. Like many Nords she is prone to making rash and impulsive decisions once her emotions or drink get the better of her. Family is a touchy subject for Tóra and pressing her for information on or insulting her family is a surefire way to get her riled up. [b]History:[/b] Born in Helgen, the second child of poor parents, most of Tóra’s early childhood was spent in the company of her brother, Karl. While their parents were working the siblings would spend many a happy hour exploring and playing in the damp and misty forests of Falkreath hold. After the birth of her sister Inga, soon after Tóra’s tenth birthday, her parents decided that she was old enough to start helping her mother with taking care of the family home. Tóra hated this new domestic, indoor life and lived for the days when her father would take pity on her and let her accompany him and Karl on hunting trips in the woods around the hold. Tóra took to hunting like a duck to water and by her seventeenth year was bringing home more game than both her brother and father and far more than the family could use. To earn a little coin she would sell the excess meat to other families in Helgen and the pelts to the local shopkeepers in Skyrim. This happy and peaceful life was shattered by two tragedies in quick succession. At the start of the Stormcloak Rebellion Karl stole away in the dead of night to join Ulfric's army and was killed in one of the first skirmishes of the war. The second tragedy occurred with the World Eater’s attack on Helgen killing Tóra's father, utterly destroying the family home and all their possessions. Tóra survived the attack because she and her mother had been out in the woods showing Inga how to track game although really it had been a pretense to stop Inga witnessing the executions. After the funeral there was nothing left for the family in Helgen and Tóra’s mother took Inga to live with her aunt family in Shor's Stone, an opportunity Tóra declined. With nothing to tie her down Tóra took to wandering around Skyrim, earning her way by hunting where she could and by other less legal means when times were hard. She was friendly and sympathised with the Stormcloaks she met, often sharing her campfire with the sons and daughters of Skyrim. Her belief in the cause had been shaken too much by her Karl's death for her to join their ranks formally, but as the war turned against the rebel Tóra found herself increasingly aiding them with supplies and information on the Legion’s movements. After the fall of Windhelm Tóra spent a several weeks lying low in The Rift before she took to the road again, much as she had before. [b]Skills[/b] [i]Major[/i] Archery: There are few things harder to hit with an arrow then a hare fleeing through the undergrowth. For Tóra that is barely a challenge Sneak: Sneaking up on animals undetected is hard, Tóra has found that people for the most part are a lot less of a challenge. [i]Minor[/i] Light Armour: What Tóra looks for in armour is something tough enough to protect from animal attack but light enough that it won't hinder her movement or cause unnecessary noise. One handed: Between her father, brother and a few hopeful Stormcloaks Tóra has received a basic education in swordsmanship. That being said anyone with more than a little training or experience will have the advantage on her. Alchemy: Spending a lot of time away from civilisation has taught Tóra how to survive with what nature provides. However with next to no actual training in alchemy her concoctions can be a little bit haphazard. [b]Equipment[/b] A Dwarven Bow and twenty-five steel arrows: Soon after Tóra left Helgen she found herself working for a shopkeeper in Markarth who promised her a lot more coin than he could actually provide and so she took the bow to make up the shortfall An iron dagger : A cheap and simple little blade that gets used for all manner of task from cutting food to dismembering Tóra’s kills. Hide armour: A light and simple set of armour that's is better suited to stopping animal bites than turning aside sharpened steel. A small pack containing a three of healing potions, a loaf of bread, a couple of bottles of ale and a small wheel of cheese. A wolf skin bed roll [b]Birthsign[/b]: The Shadow [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: When she was little Tóra had a pet rabbit called Marne. [/hider]