[hider=Aedyt, true Queen of Ceril] [color=92278f][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Aedyt Rain Hayne, heiress of Ceril [color=92278f][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 18 [color=92278f][u][b]Sex:[/b][/u][/color] Female [color=92278f][u][b]Breed:[/b][/u][/color] Human (quarter dhampir) [color=92278f][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] Aedyt Hayne has the look of a woman who, until very recently, was able to (and perhaps had to) take great care in her physical appearance. She is a dainty 5’4” tall, weighing in somewhere around 120 lbs. Her legs are a comparatively small portion of her body, and her arms are also not particularly long. She has what can only be described as good birthing hips, for lack of a more dainty term :V , and is overall incredibly attractive: soft skin, etc.. She is also incredibly pale, and burns faster than you’d think was possible in the sun. Her face is round and full with a line of freckles across the bridge of her nose and the area underneath her eyes. These eyes are light hazel – actually, as you look longer… maybe they’re orange? Her eyebrows are still mostly controlled, though it is clear she hasn’t run into a mirror in quite a while. Her ears are round and her nose is average sized, suggesting a point at its zenith. Her very pale blond – almost silver – hair is incredibly long, it touches her rear, and reaches most of the way down her lower back when braided, which it always is. Her lips are full, and she’s managed to avoid losing any teeth to cavities thus far (though two on her lower left are developing ones – it’s where she usually chews). Her chin as also soft, and her jawbones aren’t at all defined, her face too wide and soft. Small burn scar on the palm of her left hand, which is also her dominant hand. [color=92278f][u][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/u][/color] - [color=f26522]Stunningly charismatic:[/color] between her natural beauty, knowing her way around conversations, and understanding people in general, Aedyt is quite good at talking her way out of a situation. And if her natural charm doesn’t work well enough, she can always call upon her innate magical abilities to make herself seem even more amiable – and usefully, these boons can also be applied to others. - [color=f26522]Quite [i]charm[/i]ing:[/color] in addition to innate buffs, Aedyt is also capable of some aggressive mind affecting spells. For the most part these are simple things; touching someone to make them forget, making eye contact to convince someone to do something for her, slowly waving her hand across her body to encourage non-aggression. She can also call upon deeper, more…unseemly… heritage to force upon opponents more powerful hallucinations. These can range widely in theme: imagining her summoning demons or hellhounds, thinking that their bodies are beginning to rot and decay, or see themselves slowly dragged into the ground as if in quicksand. Over-use of these abilities will exhaust her, akin to performing a physical task (with stronger stuff being much harder), and all of them are capable of being resisted, especially by willful individuals. These same individuals are also probably not particularly appreciative of being fucked with if/when they figure out what’s going on :V - [color=f26522]Pick your battles:[/color] The royal court is a cutthroat business, especially when you’re a bastard and a girl who somehow ended up being heiress to the throne. Aedyt is extremely cautious and well trained in the twin acts of avoiding iffy areas and running the fuck away from danger. That being said, hanging out with a bunch of Orcs kinda means her “get out” alarm is going off 24/7. - [color=f26522]Untrained:[/color] A lady does not fight. Her magical abilities, while relatively well practiced, are not trained, as she was forced to hide them. Additionally; she was neither allowed to fight, nor was she ever had to do much exercise, instead forced into the usual “womanly” tasks. The possibility of latent magical or martial skills is likely, especially if she starts to really train one of these abilities. That being said, in her time in exile, she has started to learn how to fight with her dagger, and has discovered that she is rather decent at sneaking about. Gotta get past the guards every once in a while, you know. [color=92278f][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u][/color] - Court Clothing: Aedyt is technically nobility, and she was able to keep around one of her favorite dresses – purple body with white sleeves. Lacks much poof, but is still long and drags behind her a tad bit. No shoes or any other accoutrements, but she can at least wear it to put on a relatively decent royal appearance. Most of her other dresses are far less flamboyant, and she has quite a few shirt/shirt combinations that are much more down to earth, and have more sturdy footwear. She would often wear these on days when she was only interacting with servants, or training with Jenkin, and has mostly brought them with her. Totally keeping the purple dress around though. Loves that one. - Dagger: 4 inches in length, plain design. - Princess’s Neckace: Aedyt still wears a necklace; iron chain around her neck, holding a solid gold, teardrop shaped holder with an inset emerald, also in a teardrop shape. She considers it her symbol. [color=92278f][u][b]History:[/b][/u][/color] To understand Aedyt, it is necessary to take a momentary step back to her grandmother. Aalid Hayne was… a character. Rebellious to a fault, she had no desire to end up with the marriage her family had set up with the mayor’s son (though this was the fuckin’ jackpot as far as they were concerned), and ended up running away with a few friends she had made. Thing is, these friends were more “friends,” mostly just interested in indoctrinating them into their apocalypse worshipping death cult, the basic tenant of which was that humanity needed to be ritualistically destroyed by a race of super-powerful human/vampire hybrid children. Naturally, they needed to attract women to their cult, which they did by promising a lot of freedoms. They were also pretty bad at making a convincing act, but Aalid was also kind of an idiot. Long story short, they somehow convinced her it would be a good idea to fuck a vampire. 2 months into her pregnancy the king of the time had to send in some elite forces to break up this cult since the vampires were becoming an issue. Unable to really reintegrate into society, she ended up in a nunnery, where she raised her daughter, Rain Hayne. Rain was much more intelligent – with a (supernatural?) ability to retain anything she was taught, and even find out about things she shouldn’t have known. She was also quite attractive, if a bit freakishly pale. Also her canines were quite long, and she was born with white hair. I guess the king was into that? Aalid was able to use some contacts with fellow nuns to get Rain a job as a servant in the King’s palace, where she eventually caught The king's eye (and boy was she always in the right place to be caught), and was able to get into his bed. Well, his mistress bed. Not bad for a commoner, regardless. Aedyt was born 9 months later, in the Fall. Her youth was relatively short, having to quickly learn how to navigate the social strata within the court, know who to avoid, and help her mother with knitting, and whatever else it is that low-rung nobility do in a king’s court. The king did take vague interest in his daughter, and did love Rain to some extent, but generally was wrapped up in being a king. He cared enough to secure her a life far better than her servant life before Aedyt’s birth, so there was that at least. Her mother taught her how to hide her own powers, as she had done with her own, and they generally kept a pretty low profile, something which seemed to make the commoners like them even more for some reason. Rain ended up getting more and more sick as Aedyt progressed past 16 years of age though, and eventually passed of unknown causes (liver cancer). Without his beloved mistress around to entertain him, Stephen more or less forgot about Aedyt, and she was eventually sent off to a manor outside of the city, where she got to be even more bored! Onora and Jenkin (her handmaiden and personal guard, respectively) helped to make life more bearable, and Jenkin helped teacher her some tricks with her dagger. Things started to get more worrying when her father died. Two weeks after the news of this came to her, Onora and Jenkin were recalled to the castle, and she has not heard from either of them since. In their place were the same rather impassionate guards of the estate on which she lived, all relatively old, and – as she began to notice – all without wedding rings. She started to spend more time getting to know the servants of the building, building up quite a few budding friendships to help put off the worries about her claim to the throne. Lord Arad visited a few times to talk business about protecting her claim, giving a suspicious amount of platitudes. She didn’t have any better than his word at the time, so she was forced to trust it, despite questioning why she couldn’t come back. The answer was always vague, something about distrusting members of the court, a chance of her throat being slit in her sleep, or poison dropped in her drink – the usual, he said. His guards would keep her safe until he could secure her safety at the throne, he said. Nothing could go wrong, he said. So when a bunch of orcs, bristling with weapons covered in fresh blood burst into her bedchamber, she was quite a surprised woman. So were they, as she talked them down, and they discovered that they might just have a mutual opponent. [color=92278f][u][b]Personality and Psychological profile:[/b][/u][/color] Aedyt has learned the importance of never letting ones outside betray the feelings within. She is at all times stoic, straight-backed, and ladylike, regardless of her exhaustion, regardless of her distaste for others, regardless of her excitement. This makes her incredibly hard to read, and somewhat unnerving, holding a surprisingly strong presence. That being said, she is externally a charmer, and is more than willing to make promises she cannot keep, listen to whatever is told to her, and keep quite when others are talking. But that’s external. Internally, she is not as limited by the need to appear neutral and avoid conflicts. Internally, she can feel her seething rage at her father's lack of care and her uncle's conniving. Be excited about the little things, like a cute baby, the sunset, or a bee fumbling around in a flower. Internally, she can yell at these idiotic orcs who had to kill all those fucking guards and make her piss the bed – but they are useful, so she will forgive them. Overall, expect Aedyt to be conniving and self-serving, but to generally give a shit about people who have earned her trust and respect. She doesn’t see herself as wanting power for power’s sake, instead, just to ensure that she can protect herself and the citizens of Ceril. [color=92278f][u][b]Relationships and Acquaintances:[/b][/u][/color] First impression of the company was them trying to kill her, which wasn’t a great start, but the whole not killing her deal was a step in the right direction. Definitely still cautious – under usual circumstances, orcs have developed their reputation for a reason. As heiress to the throne, she has well developed opinions about many of the other big players in this game of many lives and a single chair. [u]Lord Arad[/u] Before this shameful attempt on her life, Aedyt was hopeful that the Lord would follow through on his word. Obviously this was not the case, though truth be told she didn’t particularly trust him before, either. [u]Druskel family[/u] Prefers Ren to Bant – Bant’s been consistently rude to her, and she thinks Ren tried to flirt with her once. [u]Madjun family[/u] Her father always wanted more independence – oversight just clutters everything up, and makes it impossible to make decisions. Give the other nobles more say, and they just argue and steal instead of doing anything of value. Aedyt’s mother, of more common stock, never had anything good to say about nobles, and after her years in the court and her current exile, Aedyt has moved into a similar opinion, but is unlikely to ever show it. Like it or not, the rich still have the influence – for now. If she could find a way to deepen the divisions in their alliance, she would. [u]The Church of Issad [/u] Aedyt has no strong religious feelings, and her mother actually followed the church of Issad (albeit also rather disinterested), and therefore sees the church as a way to gain support, if needed. [u]The Elves of Torceleblas[/u] No real interest in elves aside from the usual vague hatred the majority of humans feel towards them. hanging around orcs is likely to make her hate them more though :V [u]The Dwarves of Thorazum[/u] While Aedyt doesn’t particularly like that the dwarves are probably trading with Arad as she sits around, she’s also aware that it’s more out of convenience for them than anything else. That being said, when the time comes for dolling out vengeance, they could end up on her list. That’s too far in the future to be a real worry, though. [/hider]