[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oBnee4N.png[/img][/center] Well, thought Lilly to herself as they trudged through the seemingly infinite and illogical plains looking for something useful, this was awful. While she had the advantage of hiding behind the unfeeling metal bulk of Julian to protect herself a from some of the elements her outfit was more suited to working inside than this kind of field work. It seemed that living on the avenger for so long had made her soft. Teenage Lilly would have been appalled by her lack of preparation for the elements. During the short periods of time when they were traveling through terrain that wouldn't damage it Lily tried to map their route, or at least log the various Biomes so that she could try and plan what clothing to make to make any future journeys less dreadful. For his part Julian simply soldiered on through the heat, cold and everything in between on autopilot. He took some amusement from the suffering of the humans, but for the most part he was bored out of his skull. At long last they arrived somewhere where the climate was at least tolerable, the warm air and lush foliage where comforting after the bleak hellscape they had just passed through. This wasn’t what Lilly had been hoping for, she would have much preferred some kind of civilisation, but there might be opportunities to gather food here. Food would definitely be good right about now, she thought to herself, though greedily eating the noodles she had in her pack right now would probably be rather rude considering the state of the others. The young girl (Cedar?) was looking particularly bad. If she got much worse she would consider getting Julian to carry her, through the careful watch she would have to keep on the Ai that he didn’t “accidentally” drop her might be more trouble than it was worth. The other option was the Life noodles, but hopefully they could find some fresh food here and keep the preserved meal for emergencies. Following up on Quiet and Cedar’s discussion about foraging she walked past the two, ordering Julian to follow. [color=#92B3DB]”I’m no wilderness expert, but taking a look around while there’s no apparent danger does seem like a good idea. One of you knows the difference between the edible mushrooms and the poisonous ones, right?”[/color] She arrived at the fallen tree and told Julian to [color=#92B3DB]”Give me and anyone who wants to follow a boost”[/color] [color=crimson]”Like some kind of glorified step-ladder? [/color][color=LightSlateGray]Obeying command!"[/color] After a few moments of complaining and minor correction Julian converted had his hands and one knee into a rudimentary 3 step staircase which Lilly promptly acceded to stand at top the fallen tree and survey the little alcove beyond.