[@Feyblue] There's a few, though they vary in rarity. [url=http://talesofnovusanima.wikia.com/wiki/Lycans]Lycans[/url], as I mentioned, are fairly common in this region and makeup half of the population of Urbi Lupi. Lycans are a human/wolf hybrid that spread via DNA. (So sharing blood, having kids, etc) They can change between their human and lycan form though this is typically avoided as it's extremely painful. A lycan's preference and beliefs will have an impact over which form they prefer to stay in. The change is triggered by intense emotions, be it happiness, anger, sadness, or anything on the spectrum that has you undergo a physical shock from the emotion. Because of this Lycans are usually taught to control their emotions, ones who would like to stay in human form are often extremely recluse and distant in their behavior. Avoiding interactions that could stir emotions. Those who prefer to stay in lycan form could do so for numerous reasons. The pain of changing is a deterrent, some see it as their "true" form, others like the enhanced strength and agility the form comes with (Though they aren't very flexible and their taught muscles make acts like holding a pencil impossible). There are more details in the [url=http://talesofnovusanima.wikia.com/wiki/Lycans]link[/url] if you want to read more on them. There's Okiciyan's like Teresa that are from Okiciya far to the south. They aren't typically seen outside of their homeland. Teresa (I'll add her to the character's list soon) is a unique case, trying to find a solution to her race's reproduction problem. [hider=Okiciyans] [img]https://orig14.deviantart.net/278e/f/2017/238/3/3/okiciyan_sketch_by_livingdreament-dblev1d.png[/img] [img]https://img01.deviantart.net/7706/i/2017/236/b/2/okiciyan_v1_teresa_v1_by_livingdreament-dbl71qs.png[/img] [img]https://pre08.deviantart.net/44ec/th/pre/i/2017/238/1/4/teresa_2_by_livingdreament-dblev2c.png[/img] [img]https://orig12.deviantart.net/6168/f/2017/238/4/e/teresa_essence_spread_by_livingdreament-dblev3v.png[/img] [/hider] They are a humanoid species created by the crystals of Okiciya in an act of self-perseverance. The Okiciyans were originally mindless creatures with "magic" abilities that would defend the crystals. they were also physically built to haul crystal chunks across the land to help plant and spread the growth across new areas. However this failed as the mindless creatures came into contact with humans, they attacked them on sight. The crystals decay continued and the hive mind that once connected the Okiciyans faded, and they one by one began to become self-aware. They were never meant to be this way. Due to their past, humans continued to see them as hostile creatures and attacked on sight. Okiciyans for the first time witnessed themselves die be it to human hands or to natural deaths. They lacked any way to reproduce and are struggling to find a way to preserve their race. In short, they're population consist of just several hundred, they mostly live in Okiciya, and their numbers only dwindle as the days go on. Lastly humans are the most common sentient beings. They're mostly the same as you'd expect. [hider=spirits] You could also consider spirits and abominations a race of their own. They aren't technically spirits, it's a false name due to their appearance. Really it's just energy left over from the crystals that were growing in someone before they died. If those crystals have enough energy they can a "physical" form. They may look like the person they originated from, they may even hold onto bits of their memories, but they are not quite that person. Spirits are most commonly found in cases of traumatic events. It's common for people to have fractions of crystal within them, and never be aware of it. As they die, that little bit of energy begins to disperse. However, if the area is thick with energy, it won't be able to disperse properly and will pull together. If a group of people were to die near each other, all those bodies could release small amounts of energy that as a whole are a substantial amount. This is why battlefields, towns that were wiped out, and other such events are more likely to have spirits roaming around. Areas that also have large clusters of crystal leftover from "the event", are constantly releasing energy as they decay. This makes area surrounding them far more likely to have spirits. Abominations are spirits who have become twisted and bent on destruction. They, unlike spirits, are extremely dangerous. They will try to gather more energy to prevent their own death. They kill the living, collecting their energy that is released upon death, and turn spirits they encounter into fellow abominations. Spirits will either eventually disperse, or live long enough to become abominations. The latter occurring if they recover memories of horrible events or simply become too frustrated over their struggle to understand what they are. [/hider] EDIT: Teresa - The Essence character sheet added, along with updates to Val - The Bandit Queen's. I will also likely edit these again with Character based stats, Health, Armor, and Attack for the purpose of the RP. [img]https://orig02.deviantart.net/8c58/f/2017/238/4/f/teresa_te_by_livingdreament-dblf188.png[/img] [hider=Teresa - The Essence] [img]https://img14.deviantart.net/b1eb/i/2017/238/5/0/teresa___the_essence_character_sheet_by_livingdreament-dblf5ld.png[/img] [/hider]