[center][h2]Street Side- The Narrows[/h2] [i]CollectorOfMyst[/i] Markus Day 1, Afternoon[/center] Markus felt the blast more than heard it. The ground beneath his feet shook, and every bone in his body with it. Disoriented, he began to look around for his colleagues - and his eyes were drawn to the Blades jumping out of a newly-made hole. He heard Crow let out a curse - and promptly tuned it out. Expletives weren't his style. But this... well, he wasn't about to just cower in a corner. Even if he was currently flattening himself against the shadow of a doorway. Patching himself into Kirane and Megelis' private channel, he whispered into his comm, hoping they'd hear it over the present commotion. "Well...presuming you've got one in place or in motion, what's the plan here? It's just I think we should deal with these moles before they get their eyesight back. And I do have something shocking I could use, but I'd need everyone to get [i]away[/i] from anything wireless or it'll get them as well."