If Ashley could put a description to her current situation, it would be "Dizzy" along with "Deaf" and "Annoyed." Earplugs would be a smart investment for the future, but at the moment Ashley had to deal with what she had on hand. Thankfully, what she had on hand was an advanced regeneration of her hearing. Sam had destroyed another drone, and two were blinded. Ashley could feel her hearing start to regenerate itself as her hearing steadily grew less and less muffled. Soon, it felt like her ears were simply clogged. Swallowing, Ashley felt her ears pop and her hearing clear. Blinking focus back into her eyes, Ashley let out a growl and returned to work. The two blinded drones were first, and Ashley merely crushed them underfoot with stomps powerful enough to rattle the floor. With those drones now crushed, Ashley took a moment to observe the rest of the situation. Sam had advised going for the eyes, but this information was largely irrelevant to Ashley. There was more than enough power in her muscles to simply smash the drones with impunity. The three remaining machines would make for easy work. However, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Nora was holding up a chair in defense. Shifting her vision, Ashley saw that Nora had given a good whack to a drone and disabled it. Not satisfied with leaving Nora with merely a disabled drone, Ashley took a few steps and brought her fist down on the currently immobile drone, smashing it beyond repair. Ashley straightened, giving Nora a look over before calmly asking. "Are you alright?" It was at this point that her adrenaline began to wear off and she noticed that her nose felt like it was on fire. Sneezing violently to try and clear her airways, Ashley looked out to the hallway and noticed a haze of the spray that Sam had used to blind the drones. Sneezing again, Ashley gave another shout. "Everyone! Get outside! Whatever was sprayed is still in the air! Don't breathe!" Heeding her own advice, Ashley covered her nose with her hands and ducked out of the room. Jumping down the stairs and landing with a thud, Ashley sought the front door and, after checking the lock, yanked it open and dashed outside. Taking a deep breath of air, Ashley sneezed again and again to try and clear her nose. Hopefully the others wouldn't be so badly affected, but for now Ashley was once again in a world of pain.