[B]Name:[/b] -Lecter Devil Hunter [b]Age:[/b] -Roughly over a hundred years old, if not more [b]Fandom:[/b] -Devil May Cry [b]Skills:[/b] -Lecter has a mastery over firearms and swordsmanship. -The half Devil's senses are above the average human's, particularly his sense of smell. Lecter possesses the ability to tell whether an individual is human or Devil, simply because of how their scent is. -Having demonic heritage, the Devil Hunter is capable of activating a Devil Trigger, an ability which enhances his regenerative capabilities, reflexes, senses, and strength. It also shifts his form to that of something more devilish, reflecting his true bloodline. [b]Fears:[/b] -The Human World being consumed by the Demon World (Hell). - His demonic heritage winning against his mortal, human nature. [b]Likes:[/b] Cigarettes, dusters, warm beds, pistols, and Karma (His former familiar and half sibling, now deceased). [b]Hates:[/b] His father (Be'lak), failing those he cares for, Devils who seek to destroy humanity, and Hell. [b]Description:[/b] Lecter is a man of action, constantly searching for a new Devil that needs to be put down. He does not shy away from fighting other species, yet he would prefer to kill the creatures of Hell before any others. The Devil Hunter is 6' tall, and well built. Scars from his years of combat mark his body, yet most are hidden beneath his gray duster and hat. Beneath his well worn hat is a head of messy, brown hair and a pair of gray eyes. [b]Background:[/b] Lecter had never met his father, having only known his mother and the apartment where he was raised. She refused to ever mention Lecter's father, simply becoming upset and in need of a drink when he was brought up. Lecter had learned quickly to never mention the man who sired him. At the age of twelve did Lecter find a hint of who his father was. A pair of cloaked, insectlike creatures called Mephistos stalked through his apartment, killing Lecter's mother in the process. Blind with fear and outrage, the boy unlocked something within himself. His skin turned to a metallic gray, and his form shifted to that of a monster. His Devil Trigger had activated. Using his newfound talents, the boy managed to defend against the Mephistos at the cost of his first scars. His Devil Trigger gathered news from an agency of Devil Hunters, and they quickly took the boy in as their own. Honing his talents and ensuring he wouldn't be a threat to humanity, Lecter eventually set out to find out more of who he was, and where he came from. His search led him to the Devil Be'lak, a servant of the former King of Hell, Mundus, before Mundus was slain. Be'lak was actually Lecter's father, who seeks to claim the Human World as his own, or to watch it burn in the process. The Devil has attempted to turn Lecter to his cause, yet all attempts have been unsuccessful. Instead, the Devil Hunter has spent his life trying to slay his father, willing to spend his life away in the process. The Devil Hunter's journeys lead him to Hell, and he accidentally stumbled upon the Room when returning from his father's homelands. [b]Items of Note:[/b] -Lecter carries an M1911, modified by his own hand. It is designed to kill Devils, yet still works against mortals. -Twin arm blades, infused with Lecter's blood to increase their strength. -Karma, a blade reminiscent of a Dao. It is all that remains of his familiar, who shifted into the weapon in her last moments of life.