John put on his tight fitting, makeshift rad-suit, he wasn’t fancy with his equipment, which basically meant that if it worked, then it [i]worked[/i]. No use adding or fixing things that ain’t broke. He then put on special over-boots, they were meant to protect the feet of the wearer from radiation; the gloves did the same thing for the hands of the wearer. He taped the gloves and boots where they met the suit to make a comprehensive seal; usually, for any other suit it would seal nicely and neatly, but John doesn’t like taking chances. He made sure that his suit was sealed [i]tight[/i], he was cautious that way. He took his combat belt and buckled it narrow around his waist. He checked his tool kit, containing various screws, screwdrivers, allen keys, drills, wrenches, nuts, bolts, soldering kit, lock pick kit, and more. After checking his inventory, he zipped the bag and strapped it over his shoulders, the bag also had a strap that could be buckled at the front to allow the wearer to bear the weight on more than just two points on the upper body. He took up his caplet and put it over his suit, propping up the hood that came with it. He checked his rifle and made sure his side arm was still holstered. John also checked his ammo and other essentials like rations and medicine, he liked carrying around extra supplies - you never know what might happen. At the end of it all, he was carrying as much weight as an actual soldier would carry, but John was fit, and he'd been out in the wasteland with this kit all the time, it was proven and tested. He headed out the squeaky door to meet up with everybody else, and began making their way to the station. He was [i]- slightly -[/i] concerned that the Doc isn't coming with them; without the Doc around, they might end up in a bit of trouble or worse, [i]fucking dead[/i]. [color=#2f5084][b][center][h1]------------------|+|------------------[/h1][/center][/b][/color] They finally end up at the station after a few hours of trekking to the location. John hovered his hand over his sidearm tensely, prepared to draw it out for quick shots if things went south. He whispered to himself as they went through, [color=#2f5084]“I’ve got a bad feeling about this job already…”[/color] the guards’ nervous expressions and actions made him grip his gun sling tighter; each time a light was shined on them he would instinctively pull his hand closer to his nine-mil. He was glad when they finally led them out to see the damage and left them alone to do their job in peace. When he finally saw the debris a thought drifted to his head, [i]”Newt’s gonna love this”[/i] he shifted his gaze towards one of the other tunnels, the dim light made it hard to see. The tunnels were tight, he was worried how Liam would react in such an environment considering that Liam was claustrophobic; it’s like placing an arachnophobe in a box full of spiders. He turned around after hearing Loki say something, [color=f7941d][b]"Great. Let's take look around and see what we can find. Newt, I hope you have the flashlights that I asked for."[/b][/color] In an instant Newt bowed, opening her jacket up to all sorts of unsavory things, like chemicals, poisons, and weirdly colored concoctions, [color=olive][b]"Shh. Wanna buy some torches?"[/b][/color] John was only interested in the Flashlights anyway. He grabbed one from her jacket and said, [color=#2f5084]”I’ll take one kid.”[/color] she couldn’t tell, but John was smiling under his gas mask. He couldn't deny it, Newt may be a [b][i]big[/i][/b] pain in the ass sometimes but she sure does liven up the place.