[color=FireBrick][center][h1]Oshea Jackson[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjtfO2BcJ4mxrdczwdEbebi4Gzn4cKHY2FO1grfvoVWaMg9LSa63bMfE9A[/img][/center] [center]"When I was broke, sleep was my only friend--I've made a few more since then, but it still has a special place in my heart."[/center] [hr] [center]Location: Hanson Power Plant[/center] [hr] Oshea was carried to safety alongside everyone else, the bone still sticking out in his leg. He was glad medical costs wouldn't come out of his own pockets. He watched the building explode, and it hadn't dawned on him they had 'failed' the mission The Brotherhood don't get to take control of the Plant. . . though now no one got to take control of the plant. It was a success in some sense, then. Waves of subtle aches followed by large stints of deep pain coursed along his leg. Hopefully they would get back to the mansion soon so Oshea could get some medical attention. Damon helped him back on the Blackbird, Oshea did what he could not to scream. He let out a grimmance, and once on the Blackbird, sat in the front of the jet. Something told Oshea this would be a [i]much[/i] longer ride home than before. Pain always had a way of making time appear to move slower than normal; it was likely Oshea would pass out from shock once again long before they reached the mansion. At this point, he didn't resist, he just let the unconsciousness take him again--this hadn't been his best day anyway, so passing out was morbidly enjoyable.