At Cornerstone bar. Lady Marinalia was used to to new places, but one thing remained the same, always getting lost and everyone thought you knew exactly where that bar or shop was. The landlord had promised her it would be easy to find, maybe if you where local. The Rental was somewhat more expensive than her new salary would allow but a few slow but steady investments as part of a inheritance has meant she could afford something in the better part just outside the city center. Slowly driving down the main road passing numerous apartments, shops and even a aquarium the place was nice, but no land marks on the map. The rental car was a modern white land rover discovery, blacked windows and sat nav that she had no idea how to use yet, the previous renter "acquiring" the instructions no doubt. sure it was fairly heavier on petrol than the local model she had been offered but it was one thing that reminded her of home and the split tail gate was always handy. Cursing to herself she looked round at the traffic lights for the what seemed 5th time with no clue deciding to take the right and pull up at the bar and see if anyone could help out. Slowly stopping up in the bars small designated parking area the SUV barely fit as normal into the space, it seemed alright and the sound of chatter from the bar least sounded friendly. Grabbing her bag off the passenger seat and locking the SUV with a blip on the key she looked down the road and saw the sun slowly setting and reflecting off what looked like a heavy rainstorm casting the road a impressive range of yellow and gold hues. She had definitely been to worse cities. Heading inside she glanced back nervously at the safety of her truck but if she wanted to be able to find the apartment by midnight she had to ask someone. Pushing aside the door and stepping inside noticing a few groups of people and someone who looked like the owner behind the bar, she made a beeline for the barman. In a fairly strong English accent and tapping her diamond ring gently on on the bar for attention and giving a slightly nervous smile. "excuse me, anyone help out a new comer? I just arrived in town looking for my apartment im renting. Pinnacle Apartments, meant to be near the Town hall. Landlord gave me a map but ive already driven past the Town hall 3 times and not found it. that or someone knows how to work a land rover sat nav. and a Black coffee, no sugar please if you sell it." laughing slightly at the end she stood at the bar and kept bag close to her not knowing quite if to fully trust the place yet, people looked friendly if not abit wet from the rainstorm. ... Not sure who to tag so excuse a noob :) [@Pilatus][@SamaraJayne96][@Pilatus][@Indy Cooper]