[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/R72PXR0.png[/img][h3][color=92278f][b]Bonesword[/b][/color][/h3][@floodtalon][@KoL][@Inner Demon][@Lmpkio][/center] Man. This was quite the upgrade. Staying at the new nightclub in Hyperion was a serious step up from his current accommodations, although he felt like he'd hate walking to his workshop all the time. Maybe he could do some... smaller scale experiments in his place. Ones that didn't harm the structural integrity of [color=92278f][b]"Yes ma'am!"[/b][/color] Bonesword barked as he checked his sides for his arsenal. Shield? Check. Shroomblade? Check. Cutlass? Check. Unleash? Not check. The swordsman must've left it behind at his workshop. Nevertheless, he was ready to hunt this Angelic SoB down and also slap whoever was in charge of the TEP organization for being kind of an idiot. He pushed the line once already, why would he risk it again? [hr] Bonesword and Henry stood inside of the entrance to the new location of the TEP organization. He was ready to go in and stab this Angel in the heart, but he was also afraid that Henry would cause some spaghettification friendly-fire, so the supervising figure of the duo spoke up with some kind of "plan." [color=92278f][b]"Here's my idea. We go and capture this angel before he turns us into barbecue demons by means of just encasing him in a silvery cage or by tying him down with vines, then we go and shout at whoever runs this place and scold them for their dumb plan to try and take down this angel on their own. Feel free to stray if needed. Any questions?"[/b][/color]