[@Lady Selune] [@Midnight Howl] [hider=My Hider] [color=0054a6][center]Moxie Giraldae "The Dormouse" "The Hostess" "The Musketeer" [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/b57a/f/2011/067/1/4/concept_design_for_mouse_girl_by_satsurou-d3b6mac.jpg[/img] [h3]Personality:[/h3][/center] Moxie is one of the more 'normal' figures in Wonderland, if one can possibly call any residents of Wonderland normal. She's a rather sleepy shrew for the most part, and tends to stick to her Hotel- The Full Suite, where she has lived for... Well, as long as anyone can really remember to be honest. She's an individual who finds it easy to build a rapport with people, a useful skill considering her profession, but there's a side to her that few know, or have even seen. She's a capable warrior when she wishes to be, which is not very often at all to be honest, however for the most part, is quite content in just serving the patrons, (mostly Alices,) that turn up at her door. [center][h3]History:[/h3][/center] Moxie is... Well, like some other residents of Wonderland, she's been around for an awfully long time. For the most part, she dodges questions about her past, but is willing to admit that she used to have sisters, and did know her mother. What exactly happened to them is unclear however. She has an irrational fear of Chess, although most of the other wonderlands hold for her a certain respect, due in no part thanks to her contributions during the various wars in Wonderland. In fact, she still keeps a few mementos. Underneath her bed, in a heavy wooden box that seems awfully plain, if awfully ornate, and lined with velvet whirling with different colours, lies a rapier and a pistol. The rapier is long, thin, and wickedly sharp, and the pistol, despite looking a few hundred years out of date, is equally well kept. She has used these weapons before, and anybody that has known her for a significant time has seen her, screaming out a cry and cutting her way through quite a few good men and women. This is what has given her a reputation of some respect amongst any long-term resident of Wonderland, and because of this people are perfectly happy to let her stay out of the latest political clash or struggle. [h3][center]Job:[/center][/h3] She runs the Full Suite hotel, where almost every Alice has stayed at for a little while before they've found their feet within Wonderland. She also offers jobs to anyone for anyone who wants to work there, and although they aren't particularly prestigious, anyone within the Full Suite can pretty much be guaranteed immunity from anyone trying to kill or kidnap them. Unless said murderer or kidnapper wants a duelling pistol pressed against their head. [h3][center]Crush:[/center][/h3] The Hatter. Woe betide anyone that gets between her and the tea-drinker, and she will drop pretty much anything to go to one of his tea parties. She's infatuated. [h3][center]Other:[/center] [/h3] Working at the Hotel is possibly one of the easiest jobs in the world, perhaps because Moxie is too lazy to correct someone's mistakes.[/color] [/hider]