[CENTER][H2][b][color=slategray]E P I S O D E VIII:[/color][/b][/H2][h3][sup][sup][COLOR=SILVER][B]T R I D E N T O F A T L A N T I S[/B][/COLOR][/SUP][/SUP][/H3][/CENTER] [Color=DARKORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A T L A N T I C O C E A N:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]August 02[SUP]nd[/SUP], 2017 - 06:13 | Atlantic Ocean - Atlantis[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT]The tools at the League's disposal never ceased to surprise Rose as she held onto a cargo strap above her head as the League's jumpship made the transition from flight to undersea submersible as it dove below the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean. Although she had only been a child, even leaving in Cambodia, Rose had heard of the war between Atlantis and the United States when the Atlantean, King Orm had chose to go to war with the surface dwellers. However, Atlantis was repelled and their kingdom ended up being destroyed during the war leaving the surface world content to believe they would never face another attack from the mermen under the Atlantic. Thus the idea of wearing an Atlantean material hybrid wetsuit into Atlantis never actually crossed the mind of Rose Wilson until she was drafted by the Dark Knight into a mission to intercept a foe known only as Black Manta from retrieving the mystical trident reserved for the ruler of the lost city. Alongside Rose was once again Jessica Jester, the team's resident aquatic expert. The Lizard being a part alligator, part red-blooded woman was far more suited for the cold murky depths than Rose even in her scaled get up. At the helm of the jump ship was none other than the team's coporate sell out as Mr. Clutch deftly piloted the ship below the surface. Despite all his other numerous flaws, Rose had to admit, he could at least drive. The final member of their squad was the team's resident powerhouse, at least he had been until Superskirt showed up. The current Captain Marvel stood near Rose, his hooded face concealing the content and quiet man as Batman turned away from the helm to address the team. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"The Trident is an artifact we understand very little about. It's origins and limits are vague at best, but what we are certain of, is that it can not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands."[/B][/COLOR] The Dark Knight stated as Rose felt tempted to roll her eyes. Everyone and their mom had seen the CNN footage of Orm taking on hordes of the US' best with the over-sized fork. It was more of a shock, that the League had captured the weapon while the war was still happening. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"Black Manta is a new player, we believe he was one of Orm's Lieutenants during the war and now is making a play to put himself in power. It's rather odd given the length of time that has occured since we've last heard from Atlantis, but we can't afford to allow this to go unnoticed."[/B][/COLOR] Batman continued. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"While Atlantis is predominantly destroyed, there are still pockets of the city with full life support where we'll be able to survive within. Clutch is going to bring us as close as possible to the capital, but it sustained the most damage during the final battle. It's likely we'll be forced to land well outside of it, and find a way through the city's extensive infrastructure."[/B][/COLOR] Taking a moment to look at each member of the team, Batman continued. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"The primary goal is to find the trident and get out. Avoid combat at all costs, Atlanteans can survive outside of the city, you cannot."[/B][/COLOR] Batman paused, looking towards Lizard. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"Not even your physiology will allow you to survive the crushing pressure at this depth."[/B][/COLOR] Turning to look at the helm, the team was created by the sight of the destroyed city as the jumpship's lights illuminated the ruins of Atlantis. Crumbling stone and metal work was visible from all sides as faintly functioning shields illuminated several pockets of the once vast city. Pointing to a pocket towards the center, Batman instructed Clutch to take the ship in. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"Captain,"[/B][/COLOR] Batman paused as he turned to the group. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"I won't be departing with you here, so I'll be requesting that you take point on this operation. I trust you'll be able to keep this group in line."[/B][/COLOR] Batman added, his look turning towards Rose who did roll her eyes this time. [COLOR=DARKORANGE][B]"I clearly have more field exp-"[/B][/COLOR] Rose began as Batman raised a hand. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"And you're more likely to violate every rule that I've requested of you."[/B][/COLOR] He retorted. [COLOR=BLACK][B]"Captain, can I trust you to lead this operation?"[/B][/COLOR] Batman asked as he turned his attention back to Captain Marvel.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [CENTER][H2][b][color=slategray]E P I S O D E IX:[/color][/b][/H2][h3][sup][sup][COLOR=SILVER][B]MAGNETIC NIGHTMARE[/B][/COLOR][/SUP][/SUP][/H3][/CENTER] [Color=DARKORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]ILLINOIS:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]August 08[SUP]th[/SUP], 2017 - 03:45 |STAR Labs, Chicago[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] "Bill...." said a man in a lab coat walking down a corridor with several doors and rooms as he passed the security guard at his station. "Steve..." said the guard with his eyes on the cameras and glancing at his cell phone after the scientist passed. As the large man looked at his cell phone he didn't see the approaching metahuman in the cape and funky helmet on the east wall of the facility. He could definitely hear the wall being ripped out of the side and the two dozen or so scientists screaming when it happened. The guard shuffled out of his seat grabbing a shotgun out of a compartment hidden in the wall. He ran for the east wing of the lab and finally burst through an emergency door with his gun raised. Bill looked around with his finger on the trigger, and saw several scientists ducking for cover and trying to make it towards the exits. Another guard approached him with his pistol drawn and they both nodded. They could hear the guy in the cape monologue'ing. "Where is the Nth metal, Professor Travis?" Doc Polaris asked with his hand at the mans throat hovering in place. "Are... aren't you... supposed to be the 'master of magnetism'?" the doctor asked with a grin before the man in the helmet cracked his neck and threw his body. "MY POWER DOESN'T EFFECT THIS ALIEN METAL OF YOURS. HOWEVER, I'LL CRACK ANYONE'S NECK WHO DOESN'T GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!" Polaris scream grabbing another scientist up with his power. "Did you hit the Justice League alarm they installed a couple months back?" Bill asked the other guard who nodded, "Then let's see if we can't keep this clown from killing anybody else...!" he said getting louder and catching the attention of Polaris. The two men emptied their guns and the mad doctor stopped all of the bullets in place Matrix style. "Fools... I CAN manipulate that metal..." Doctor Polaris boasted repelling the ammo back at the guards. [b][u]Metropolis, Metro Tower...[/u][/b] The alarm sounded and the senior member of the League, Green Lantern rallied a group of available heroes together. "Question, Polarity Man, Apollex, and Blue Beetle.... REPORT TO THE TELEPORTERS! We've got a situation in Chicago..." Alan yelled over the intercoms at the heroes. [b][u]Moments later, two blocks down from STAR Labs...[/u][/b] Green Lantern carried Question, Apollex, and Blue Beetle with his powers while Larry piloted his mecha suit into combat. The east wall was destroyed and there was already a police barricade keeping any civilians out of harms way. "We'll handle this nut, have EMS crews ready for the people still inside!" GL yelled at the officers as he disipated his Star Wars like transport construct. "Question and Apollex, get the remaining guards and scientists out of there. Larry, Beetle, you two are gonna help me take this guy down quick before he finds what he's looking for..." Lantern continued before being blasted through another wall with the magnetic force of Polaris. "I'll show that idiot Brainwave how it's done! You ready to die Lantern?!" Doc Polaris screamed. -00492