[center] [h1]The Kingdom of Zellonia[/h1] [h2][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/28f2/i/2016/056/1/4/random_fictional_english_flag_by_captainvoda-d46x97b.png [/img][/h2][/center] [center][color=pink] [h2]Gerfdom Celebration [/h2][/color] [/center] The gerfdom celebrations which had taken place over december had finally ended, the royal families of memoital excluding prince Bernard and the marnish kingdoms had come to zellonia and were wooed by the extravaganza of the celebration in Zeel. The military had a large military parade, the white snowfall had added to the entertainment and mood. Even king James who is rarely seen was at the front of the parade and supported by his elite guard the Zeltin. Towards the end of the month King James held the two families at his private estate in the country, while their rumors began to swell of the King James hoping to connect his line with that of the marnish kingdoms King Sven IV who had a 28 year old unmarried daughter named Princess Freja, only time would tell. King James during the conference of Liubeth had offered to increase trade with the marnish kingdoms and even previously gave a 10 million zeel as compensation for any damages done. As these rumors began to Swell many were worried over what would happen if King James died without an heir especially after 2 months prior of the dispute over the tsardom of radena and it’s ill Tsar. [img]http://tc.sinaimg.cn/maxwidth.2048/tc.service.weibo.com/p/mmbiz_qpic_cn/598d0ee18ace2c36929d9f918fe3534b.jpg [/img] Princess Freja 1901 [center][color=pink] [h2]The Parliamentary Budget of 1901 [/h2][/color] [/center] After the disastrous budget that was formerly called the phoenix budget but is now referred to as the Burned Budget. The economy was in disarray, the country could barely afford anything and many blamed the king. However his resolve has never been better and before letting the disaster effect them for a whole year the parliament met and agree free trade was the best option at this current stage and that should things of that nature wish to be tried it would need to be done on a smaller scale. As such all goods that had previously been limited were now open to anyone who wished to buy it and many had hope that would fix things. But after further discussion many wished to increase taxes and many knew this would be unpopular but in the long run it would work out. As such the tax increases were as followed. Poor 7% Middle 8% Rich 8% [center][color=pink] [h2]Military Exercises [/h2][/color] [/center] With 10,000 soldiers already being sent to St.James, the other 50,000 soldiers have begun training for the winter combat. Many believe the Zellonians were born in the ice because of how well they did in the days of yore, but thanks to the advancement of the guns the former use of striking in snowstorms had become less advantigious and as such practice was needed and for the next few months 30,000 Zellonians would practice around the city of Beowolf war Games. While the other 20,000 would spend their time in the mountains between the marnish-zellonian border, especially after hearing of the difficulties of mountain combat from the Itherean-Trya war the zellonian hoped to perfect it my training how to cross the mountains in more efficient time as well as setting up gun batteries.