[@Akayaofthemoon] Well heres my original idea, When she was eight, the city Morgan and her family lived suffered the equivalent of "The Purge". They and the other residents had to escape to a church, a safe house, and wait for the military to arrive. She and her parents went out to search for survivors, but were attacked, resulting in the death of her mom and dad. Grief stricken and in hysteria, Morgan tackled down and beat one of the attackers to death, scaring the other away. When the military arrived. The remaining survivors, including Morgan and her two twin siblings, were moved to other places in england. And then she got continuous nighmares, was diagnosed with scitzophrenia, slowly turned sociopathic (partially in guilt) and taken into an asylum for 15 years. Thing is, she had a wonderland of her own. A beautifully demented wonderland that had a famillar feeling to it. When she was able to leave at 23 years old, the ground gave in on her and she arrived in the original Alice's wonderland. But if you have a different idea, id like to hear it.