Here's my character sheet! Sorry for the delay, work and life left me feeling pretty wiped. If there's anything that needs changing I'm always open to suggestions. [hider=Owen Castor][b]Name[/b]: Owen Castor [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Appearance[/b]: [img][/img] [b]Height[/b]: 6'1 [b]Weight[/b]: 176 lbs [b]Likes[/b]: Animals, all of them. Less so for snakes and reptiles but that's his problem, not theirs. Sweets and desserts. Sunny days and the coast. Long walks. Folksy and classical music. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Quitting smoking. Going too long without listening to music. Being cooped up indoors all day. Loud and angry confrontations. Big dog snobs. [b]Party Trick[/b]: Owen's a pretty good piano player if he does say so himself. [b]Profession[/b]: Vet [b]Bio/Personality[/b]: Since he was a kid Owen always got along better with animals better than he did people his own age. He was a shy kid who hadn't grown into his gangly limbs yet and tended to tear up a lot under provocation, he was an easy target. His best friend was the family dog, Baz, a grizzled mutt with more energy than he knew what to do with. This is all a long way in the past now but it's something that Owen looks back on with enough hindsight to get how it made him who he is. A scruffy animal can teach an uptight kid how to be responsible and how to be brave. Owen is someone who know's what he wants (most of the time) and doesn't shy away from going after it. In fact he doesn't shy away from most things! He's lived that life and doesn't care for the alternative. Once he got out of high school he went into pursuing that dream of veterinary medical school with gusto! And added a side in oceanic zoology. Owen's always been someone who likes to have a plan that way. Back in college folks might want to joke about how they had no idea what they were going to do with their lives but that wasn't something Owen could ever find the time for. He got into vet school and put his nose to the grind stone! Maybe it was a result of watching too many trashy medical drama shows but he always felt that drive to push himself to become the best in his class and then the best in his field. "Yeah I do life saving surgery on kittens, it's just what I do I guess." Was the kind of backhanded bragging he wanted to do! Not to mention the warm fuzzy feeling of saving warm fuzzy lives. Maybe that kind of thinking was too career focused but Owen never saw it as something to apologise for. There's nothing wrong with having a vocation. Yeah, maybe it meant that he missed out on some vacations and chances to travel abroad. And sure the girls he dated for short amounts of time would complain that he never seemed to make enough time for them or always seem lost in his own head but they just weren't willing to accept him for who he was (or so he claims). After all, it's not like he's obsessed or anything! He can joke with the best of them, hang out and chill at the movies if you want! He's even been known to bake on occasion... like from the box recipes but still. If Owen hadn't gone after his dream like he had then he'd have never been accepted into the illustrious program at the "Lucky Stars Veterinary Hospital". One of the best hospitals in the world depending on who you ask! These guys try some cutting edge, experimental stuff. This was where Owen could make a name for himself, really test his skills! Generally speaking Owen is a pretty laid back guy. He usually comes across as a calm, collected sort, who seems to have it all together... even if he has to actively try and seem that way in front of others at times. Sure minor inconveniences can crack the facade and bring all Owen's old neurosis boiling to the surface. Weirdly enough though major issues and crisis seem to bring out the best in him. It feels like everything else just slips away and he can see stuff clearly. If he had to say then Owen would guess he's just one of those people who works best under pressure... he doesn't care for it. So here he is. Dr Owen Castor, new resident of Shine City. Ready to strike it out on his own in the big, wide, world. Still high on the thrill of moving into his own place and trying to push the fear of being alone in a huge place like this to the back of his mind, Owen's ready to take on whatever the future has for him head on. [b]Desires for the future[/b]: - Owen is trying to quit smoking. It's not a fun time. - He wants to get in shape. Always a fan of getting out and about but stuck in a life of studying in classrooms and offices while eating junk food. He's always thought boxing seemed cool. - It'd be nice to not spend every night alone. [hider=Lucky Stars Vets][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Theme Song:] [youtube][/youtube][/hider] [/hider]