Sorry! The coding was wonky, so I'mma fix that real quick before re-putting in my characters, haha. EDIT: [hider=Indigo M. Pelacour (Tweedle Dee)][center][img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Indigo Marie Pelacour [b]Nicknames:[/b] Tweedle, Tweedle Dee, TD, Indie [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Physically in her early twenties. If asked her real age, Indigo will claim increasingly wild or absurd numbers, leaving the answer difficult to say. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5’4”, Indie has little in the ways of curves- possessing a slim, almost boyish figure than anything else. Her face leans more on the feminine side, being naturally earnest and welcoming, but the effect tends to be ruined by the crooked, “shit-eating” grin that she’s rarely found without. Her hair is a deep red, and cut into a short, fluffy bob in a way that makes it clear that she did the job herself. Her eyes are the color of rust. Indigo’s usual choice of attire depends on what she’s doing that day, what she’s [i]planning[/i] to do, or whatever she really feels like wearing. She has a preference for wearing bright, blindingly orange jackets, however, and has a habit of taking a “lucky penny” out of her pocket to suck on from time to time. [b]Personality:[/b] It would be easy to assume that, over the countless years of roaming Wonderland, Indigo isn’t all...there. While amiable enough, she also behaves in an incredibly airheaded and theatrical manner, acting overly-familiar with those who openly despise her, and making cheerful jabs and sunny bits of snark in somewhat inappropriate moments. She also has a strong mischievous streak, and, together with her brother, will often play harmless jokes and pranks on some of the other residents of Wonderland. If insulted or otherwise brushed off, Indigo takes it in stride, making it somewhat difficult to get under her skin. When separated from her brother, however, some of her deeper qualities get a chance to shine through. While still naturally vibrant and easygoing, Indigo is naturally more of an optimist, and more open (if not somewhat blunt) with her feelings than Percival. She’s always willing to sit down and have a chat, or offer surprisingly thoughtful advice if asked. Indigo is fiercely determined in her goals, and protective over her brother and those she cares for. [b]History:[/b] As with other residents of Wonderland, it’s hard to determine how, when and where the Tweedles first came into existence. Asking either of the twins results in a range of answers every time, ranging from wild and elaborate tales of being royalty of a forsaken and far away land, to being humble orphans who dragged themselves out of the gutters. Sometimes a kindly widower of a father will be mentioned, other times both parents were alive and well throughout their childhood. They’re either only children, or have a younger sibling who they’ve lost contact with. They could have a perfectly pleasant, lazy upbringing one day, or a tragic history wrought with pain and suffering and whatnot the very next. Regardless of whatever the two spew, however, two things are for certain; the twins have always been very tight-knit, and have been around for quite some time now. Indigo and Percival share a residence within the Hat’s town- a two-storied eyesore, madly colored with shades of oranges and purple and bits of chartreuse. While an unpleasant place to stare at for two long, the bottom half of their house has been converted into a surprisingly respectable bistro (initially, Indigo wanted to run a bakery, but the two of them quickly realized that Katrina’s competition could have easily put them under). Indigo primarily cooks and serves, and Percival is almost always found on stage, but when business is lazy the two will often be found entertaining together or mingling with the customers. When the Alices first began to pour in, both twins were fascinated with the unusual strangers. They’d often tag along on their explorations, follow them about, and, after some time, even made some friends from the “other world”. However, as time passed, those same friends began to dwindle. Perhaps they’d choose to return to reality, or get caught by the Red King, or simply...disappear. It was disheartening, and while Percival became more and more jaded as the Alices came and went, Indigo has decided to make the best of it, and remains helpful and open to any who wish to get to know her during the short time they’re around. [b]Job:[/b] Chef at/Co-Owner of a Bistro [b]Crush:[/b] OPEN [b]Other:[/b] - Despises the taste of mushrooms. - Plays the ukelele. - Has a minor drinking problem. - Likes halberds. [b]Played By:[/b] [@EchoicChamber] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Percival R. Pelacour (Tweedle Dum)][center][img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Percival Rowan Pelacour [b]Nicknames:[/b] Tweedle, Tweedle Dum, TD, Percy, the Great and Incredible Percival (self-given) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Physically in his early twenties. If asked his real age, Percival will claim increasingly wild or absurd numbers, leaving the answer difficult to say. [b]Appearance:[/b] Clocking in at an even 6’2”, Percival is quite the eye-catching fellow, even in a land such as Wonderland. Bright blue eyes, a bird’s nest of fluffy copper hair, and a wry, “shit-eating” grin, it’s not uncommon for him to appear like he’s plotting something even when his mind is far from any mischief. He’s naturally quite slim and wiry, His choice of outfit differs from one day to the next, and is usually dependant on what he’s doing or plans to do with his time. He has a preference for wearing bright, blindingly yellow coats, however, which he tends to wear and whirl about like capes. [b]Personality:[/b] It would be easy to assume that, over the countless years of roaming Wonderland, Percival isn’t all...there. While amiable enough, he also behaves in an incredibly airheaded and theatrical manner, acting overly-familiar with those who openly despise her, and making cheerful jabs and sunny bits of snark in somewhat inappropriate moments. He also has a strong mischievous streak, and, together with her brother, will often play harmless jokes and pranks on some of the other residents of Wonderland. If insulted or otherwise brushed off, Percival takes it in stride, making it somewhat difficult to get under his skin. When separated from his sister, however, some of his deeper qualities get to shine through. While still cheerful and rather dramatic, Percival is naturally more of a pessimist, and tends to hide or deny his real feelings for the most part. He always welcomes a light chat or a round of cards or any sort of company that can tolerate his sense of humor, but when conversation strays to any of his more personal matters, he will quickly divert the topic with a quip or otherwise. Percival is jaded and fairly cynical, but is quite protective of his sister, and can be depended on when the going gets tough. [b]History:[/b] As with other residents of Wonderland, it’s hard to determine how, when and where the Tweedles first came into existence. Asking either of the twins results in a range of answers every time, ranging from wild and elaborate tales of being royalty of a forsaken and far away land, to being humble orphans who dragged themselves out of the gutters. Sometimes a kindly widower of a father will be mentioned, other times both parents were alive and well throughout their childhood. They’re either only children, or have a younger sibling who they’ve lost contact with. They could have a perfectly pleasant, lazy upbringing one day, or a tragic history wrought with pain and suffering and whatnot the very next. Regardless of whatever the two spew, however, two things are for certain; the twins have always been very tight-knit, and have been around for quite some time now. Indigo and Percival share a residence within the Hat’s town- a two-storied eyesore, madly colored with shades of oranges and purple and bits of chartreuse. While an unpleasant place to stare at for two long, the bottom half of their house has been converted into a surprisingly respectable bistro (initially, Indigo wanted to run a bakery, but the two of them quickly realized that Katrina’s competition could have easily put them under). Indigo primarily cooks and serves, and Percival is almost always found on stage, but when business is lazy the two will often be found entertaining together or mingling with the customers. When the Alices first began to pour in, both twins were fascinated with the unusual strangers. They’d often tag along on their explorations, follow them about, and, after some time, even made some friends from the “other world”. However, as time passed, those same friends began to dwindle. Perhaps they’d choose to return to reality, or get caught by the Red King, or simply...disappear. It was disheartening, and while Indigo remained warm and openhearted towards the visitors, Percival chose to distance himself and not get [i]too[/i] attached to the new Alices if he can help it. [b]Job:[/b] Entertainer at/Co-Owner of a Bistro [b]Crush:[/b] Open [b]Other:[/b] - Despises the taste of limes. - Percival is skilled with a violin, and favors it in his performances (although if asked, he’ll call it a fiddle instead). - Good at imitating voices. - Likes throwing knives. [b]Played By:[/b] [@EchoicChamber] [/center] [/hider] Just finished up my kiddos right now, haha. Tell me if you'd like for me to edit or add anything in. :)