Hm.... How about, if the user is close enough to the ink copy, he can have it change form on the spot? Then he can have them mimic physical capabilities or make them LOOK like they're doing something, but they don't actually copy it? Like...for example, he could copy Luffy and perform the same movements that Luffy would. He can have the form stretch out or expand like it were the actual user of the Gum Gum Fruit. However, while he could MIMIC what Luffy looks like during Second or Third Gear, he would not receive a power-up from doing so. Similarly, he can copy the appearance of a Logia user, but if he copied Aokiji, he couldn't freeze anything. And obviously, if he tried copying someone like Caesar or Smoker, he couldn't produce any of the vapors that come off of his body since that wouldn't be something he could make with ink. know, that's actually a good idea. Perhaps he could actually be a mercenary, working for both pirates and marines: whoever pays him the most. xD [quote=@jynmi88] Speaking of which, maybe I should put up a section for potential devil fruits that could be used later on down the line? [/quote] Y'know, that's actually a good idea. Let's make it the 0th post for the OOC section. We could also use it keep track of plot/arc ideas and plans. And we can use the 0th post in the IC section to give the current arc name, a plot summary of everything that had gone in that arc up to that point, etc.