Peri watched as her human friend covered her eyes and, as soon those hands covered the hazel-colored appendages upon her face, Peri disappeared, as soon as she came; no trace or fragment of evidence was left behind. She just vanished right then and there. Once the brunette opened her eyes from agreeable counting to thirty, a giggle echoed across the hallway...then, the second time. The lights flickered again... Peri left an eerie feeling in that one hallway ever since she and Pearl appeared. The footsteps echoed in the hallway again; those boot-like sounds in the distance, just at the end of the hallway; the farthest part that's a few feet away from Rachel. Those footsteps suddenly halted, though no figure appeared. But the source did make itself known: A black figure walking through the intersection at the end of the hallway. [b]He[/b] continued to walk, seemingly not noticing Rachel catching sight of him.