[center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/p2PGxvS.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SkXbsLp.jpg[/img] [hr][color=#922B21][u][b]Location:[/b][/u][/color] The Lake ➙ Red Lake Sheriff's Department [color=#922B21][u][b]Interactions:[/b][/u][/color] Declan { Self } [hr][hr] [u]THIRTY MINUTES BEFORE[/u][/center] Taylor had been sitting at the edge of the lake for what seemed like days, in reality, it'd only been maybe two or three hours. She wasn't keeping track, by any means. Even the camera strapped around her neck and the book tightly clasped in her hand wasn't enough to take her mind off the last week's happenings. Riley Walker from work had gone missing, and the mayor had been murdered in cold blood. Taylor had been up and down the lake many times with her cousin in the time Riley had been gone trying to find any sort of clues. It was mainly Declan's idea, considering Taylor wasn't much of a [i]Nancy Drew[/i], herself. Declan was always getting his nose where it shouldn't be and stirring up trouble at the most inopportune times. As much as Taylor would love to blame his rebel status on his age, she had enough sense about her to know that even if he was the older of the two, she would still end up having to take responsibility of playing Declan's 'sitter'. Taylor looked up from her paperback [i]Brisingr[/i], scanning the shores of the lake before hoisting herself up and stuffing both her camera and book into her bag. She took one last look in the direction of the site where the struggle between Riley and her mystery kidnapper had struggled in the week prior before turning away to walk back towards town. This would typically be the time she would strip her clothes, change forms and run to the outer border of the town and shift back.. but in a time such as this, with the paw prints that had been found it was probably best to stay human for as long as possible. Taylor's phone notification tone brought her back to the present as she yanked her phone from her jeans pocket. [quote=declan]ey, you gonna make it to the panel?[/quote] [color=#922B21]"Shit,"[/color] she muttered to herself as she checked the time stamp on the message, typing back a quick response before stuffing her phone back into her pocket and running for the tree line. [quote]i'll be late, but i'll be there.[/quote] Once she was hidden in the trees, Taylor set her bag down and began to strip her clothes off one by one as quickly as she could, stuffing them into her bag. Standing there naked and exposed, she kneels down on all fours and takes a deep breathe in before forcing herself into a change. The pain she used to feel in the first year of being infected no longer bothered her, it was just time-consuming, in her opinion. Three minutes of bones breaking/reforming, skin tearing to be replaced with thick, coarse black fur. When she completed the task, the she-wolf grabbed the bag in front of her and started on her way towards the town's outskirts. [center][u]PRESENT[/u][/center] Taylor jogged her way into town with her bag slung over her shoulder, rounding the corner where she nearly ran smack into the large crowd that had gathered around the Sheriff's Department. Sheriff Bradley was stepping aside to let the FBI agent she had seen at her work a few times take his place when Taylor finally managed to get into a comfortable place to listen in like the rest of the onlookers. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a hand clapped firmly onto her shoulder, the hair on the back of her neck standing on edge. It was only Declan. Taylor cut her cousin off mid-sentence and swung her arm into his chest with a harsh [b]thud[/b]. [color=#922B21]"Dick!"[/color] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XSq8ztE.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/e1cQRR4.jpg[/img] [hr][color=#F1C40F][b][u]Location:[/u][/b][/color] Red Lake Sheriff's Department [color=#F1C40F][b][u]Interactions:[/u][/b][/color] Taylor { Self } ; Gwen { [@Morose] } ; Olivia { [@Nallore] } ; Finley { [@FantasyChic] } [hr][hr][/center] [color=#F1C40F]"That's my name, don't wear it out!"[/color] Declan laughed aloud, looking around before leaning down slightly with a smirk on his face, whispering to Taylor, [color=#F1C40F]"You smell like dog."[/color] Another whack to his chest left the boy smiling from ear to ear, but he quickly dropped the act as Agent Grayson made her way to the podium. Declan stayed relatively close to his cousin, talking lowly so only she could hear. [color=#F1C40F]"You honestly didn't miss anything. You got here just in time for the agent to repeat exactly what Bradley said, and maybe add a 'I'll find her at all costs. I'll find the killer, too!'. We all know it's just textbook shit. Like, this is the stuff they teach you in [i]pig school[/i] to say in a time like this, but we all know nothing will ever get done. They'll just sit around drinking their coffee, eating their donuts and talking about it, but nothing ever comes of it."[/color] Declan would have continued talking, but even as much as he had a dislike for law enforcement, he had enough respect to shut his cakehole when one was talking. Agent Grayson gave her own speech, nearly along the lines of what Declan had said previously which made him smirk slightly. When the agent asked if anyone had any questions, Declan almost raised his arm to pipe up with some smartass remark, but a quick jab from Taylor's elbow and a hard glare was enough to keep him in place. His eyes scanned the crowd around them, looking for familiar faces. More familiar than the average joe he was used to seeing from growing up in this town. [i]Where were his friends, today?[/i] [color=#F1C40F]"You heard from Oli or Gwen, today?"[/color] Taylor just shook her head 'no', apparently too preoccupied with people-watching, at the moment. Declan pulled his phone from his back pocket and typed out a quick text to Gwen, then Olivia and Finley. [quote=to: gwen stacy]what trouble are you getting yourself into without me? i know you are, cause you're not here. what's up?[/quote] [quote=to: oli oli oli]thought i saw you earlier. was busy trying to find taylor. are you here, or..?[/quote] [quote=to: huckleberry]you believe this load of crap? haha, we'd probably have better luck calling in the winchesters.[/quote]