[hr][hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e7de846f-30f3-4613-933c-40dce7104529.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e4117d5f-65c8-4b8e-98df-5810a59267c5.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=dc143c][b]Location:[/b][/color] North Of Newnan (Veterans Memorial Park - Corner of Temple Ave. & Jackson St.)[/center][hr][hr] Thalia had found the pound cake. Oh yes, Thalia had found the pound cake. The packaging put up a hard fight, but in the end, when the final bell rang? The referee raised the bloodied glove of the half-Latina spitfire who immediately enjoyed the spoils of victory one loving morsel at a time. It was said that the men for whom these MREs were designed would go to great lengths to maintain the territory of their pound cake. In these troubling times, Thalia knew why. Her final tactic in forcing the dark plastic wrapping to give up its prize came in the form of an automatic tactical knife she pulled from her boot. By the time the wide, pointy steel opened with a ponderous, intimidating [i]click[/i], it was all over but the individually packaged moist towelette to dab the crumbs away from her chiseled face. She was listening to her friend, though. [color=dc143c]"Hey girl, this is [i]your[/i] tank. I'm just squatting here. I only made a deal to fork over hot chocolate powder in exchange for some coffee cups."[/color] When she said it out loud, it didn't really seem completely on the up-and-up. [color=dc143c]"You want my opinion, Lola? Fine. Every decent person out here needs friends. And no action can be left unanswered, good [i]or[/i] bad. Maybe we don't take him all the way to his precious lines of smoke, but we're going near that way anyway. We can get him closer, least."[/color] Everything seemed a trade these days. Her deal was for coffee cups, but perhaps a tea set would change things. Or perhaps they'd just be on their way, off to their own destination in mind.