[h2]Lance Corporal Connor Webley and Sergeant Sofia Vargas[/h2] "Y'know." Connor began, leaning up against the cryo pod that had, up until a few hours ago, housed him. "This ship is never fuckin' quiet, but it's real goddamn loud today." "You think it has something to with the fact that thousands of soldiers are all beginning to prepare for deployment?" Sofia retorted, sarcastically. She, unlike her Corpsman, was already in her BDU. She was composed, well-kempt, not at all like Webley. Connor could not look messier if he were trying. "Look, I'm not asking for them to be quiet, I'm just wondering if they coul-" He was interrupted by the sound of a crate being dropped, followed by shouting. Connor rolled his eyes, stood up, and walked past the rows of empty cryo pods, to the room's entrance. Then, he shouted. "I'm just wondering if any of these Jarheads could use their [i]fucking inside voices![/i]" "Connor, do you ever shut up?" "Gee, I dunno Sarge, do you ever manage to get the stick out of your ass?" "Go get your BDU and your gear, meet me in the Hangar." "Where's everyone else?" "Hopefully headed to the Hangar, too. We leave in less than an hour." "Oh boy. I'm ever-so-excited to go and die for a lifeless rock." "You're from ED-2. Where's your Outtie pride and solidarity?" "I just think it's stupid to try and recapture a planet we can't live on when there're other Colonies that need defending." "Careful with that shit, Webley. You never know when the spooks are listening." "Spooky." "Ha. That's real funny." Vargas pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Go get your shit together, Conn." To her surprise, the Corpsman actually started moving. "Whatever you say, Sarge."