[quote=@HushedWhispers] My lips are sealed because I like to cause mischief, too. :) Gossip Girl is good but be ready for many ups and downs, twists and turns. Once Up A Time, New Girl and iZombie I haven't really seen quite yet but I want to watch Once Upon A Time and do a roleplay based around that Fandom. :D Game of Thrones has a special place within my heart!! I love the series and really want to read the books. - Hugs. - Thanks and I really, really mean it. Again, thanks for that and my name is pretty, huh? Haha. Okay, I got too cocky there. Sorry. [/quote] Haha okay good, I like to keep my mischief a surprise. I really like Gossip Girl, I got about halfway through the first season, but last my Netflix :( so I have to rewatch it from my friends. Once Upon A Time is really really good. I've only watched the first season though. Haha I know, you are the one that got me watching it. Aww well I think you are really sweet too, and you know I always enjoy talking and writing with you. *winks* Seriously though, you do.