[hider=Sloan, Derek] [center][img]https://t06.deviantart.net/RuuFYp6JeTBP9t2z51MYo-NKXxE=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/33f4/th/pre/i/2008/305/a/2/_film_noir__by_snapperz.png[/img] [h3][color=cyan]Derek Sloan[/color][/h3] [h3][sup][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP8wJYRFyJI]Damn good coffee![/url][/b][/sup][/h3] [sup]It's important to enjoy the little things.[/sup] [color=gray] [b]Physical Description[/b][/color] [color=cyan]Standing at 6"1' you wouldn't be able to spot him in a crowd. Therein lies his advantage. With his ability to blend into the scenery with his rather unremarkable appearance, he is able to stalk his target with relative ease. His fit and wiry frame allows for both speed and agility when it comes to his general movement. Such an asset allows him to chase down any perp that tries to flee the scene. With very low body fat he looks dangerous both in the fighting arena and at the beach. Unremarkable in appearance yet remarkable in ability. His black trilby hat says "hey doll face" but his grey casual suit says "I'm here for business".[/color] [color=gray] [b]Psyche[/b][/color] [color=cyan]Derek hasn't exactly lived a charmed existence. Rising through the ranks of the Detroit PD was not an easy feat to accomplish. Many a two bit drug pusher and cop killer have came close to pushing Derek over the edge more times than he can count. But it was always his love of the simple things that pulled him through the darkest of times. Such a resilience allowed him to tackle the most grizzly cases of assault, murder, and rape. Cases that made the blood run cold. Cases that have broken more than a few hard men. There was that one case though, that pushed Derek too far. He was only fourteen, his younger sister was only nine, there was so much blood. That incident in particular caused Derek to leave the force for psychiatric treatment. And it was during that treatment that he realised that his crusade against crime was more personal than he always believed. In the end it was his ability to produce levity within himself and the people around him that allowed him to recover. And it was in that spirit that he tackled all the obstacles in his life. A joke here, a compliment there, with a sympathetic ear thrown in for good measure. All of it made life so much easier, or so he believed.[/color] [color=gray] [b]Motivations[/b][/color] [color=cyan]Derek always believed in the honour of the badge. To protect and serve the good citizens of Detroit, however few there seemed to be. Though ever since that incident with those children, his motivations have changed somewhat. Memories of that shootout down in the south precinct still haunt him to this day. The memory of those young and innocent victims in particular. Their cold, lifeless eyes, staring unblinking. A look of terror forever frozen on their faces. It was something he never wanted too see again. The moment his crusade became personal.[/color] [color=gray] [b]Relations[/b][/color] [color=cyan]Trisha: On again off again lover, she was always up for a party. A former stripper turned nursing student, she harbours some major daddy issues. Whenever he isn't partying with Trisha, Derek spends his time alone. He has no other relations in Detroit. That's just the way he likes it.[/color] [color=gray] [b]Personal History[/b][/color] [color=cyan]Growing up in Detroit was never easy. Even if one grew up in the relatively nice western precinct. Though Dereks upbringing wasn't remarkable in the least, he always felt thankful for all that he had. Throughout his childhood Derek was always warned about the dangers of the south side. Horror stories of random shootings and rampant muggings always kept ordinary, decent folk away. Sadly, some of his classmates in high school refused to heed such sage advice. Super Sid was the name and partying was their game. Sadly, more often than not, the game took a dark turn. There were more than a few funerals that were held in the final years of his secondary schooling. Funerals for some of his former classmates. And although such events were tragic, they affected Derek little for he hardly knew them. Instead, they filled him with a desire to be a hero. The type of hero he always read about in his novels. Being a bit of a cocky teen at the time, he believed himself to be ten foot tall and bullet proof. That nothing in the world could hurt him, for he was such a fit and well trained boxer at the time. And so he resolved to join the Detroit Police Department as soon as he graduated high school. He would soon come to realise though that reality hits way harder than any punch ever could. As it turned out, his desire to be a hero was a very common one amongst the new recruits. It was always a tired old cliche as far as the older veteran cops were concerned. When it came to being a cop in Detroit, you either died a hero or lived long enough to become a villain. Falling to extreme cynicism though, wasn't Dereks style. Armed with a positive attitude and the gumption for hard work, he was able to pass the police academy with flying colours. And though his training period and testing were over, his true test had just begun. They called him the wiz kid. Derek took to beat cop work like an Irish poet to a pint of Guinness. He always had a confident swagger and an open and calming demeanour. And though he received more than his fair share of abuse, he tried his darndest not to let it get to him. The advice of his late father always rang true during times of duress. That no matter how difficult things got, strategy, patience, and faith would always carry you through, for change always took time. His father always said that Detroit could be a much better city in which to live, if only its inhabitants had that same attitude towards discipline and towards life itself. Despite all the bad that his late father saw in his lifetime, he never lost faith in the goodness of mankind. Such a noble attitude towards life was instilled within Derek from a young age, and it showed. People naturally gravitated towards him because of this. It wasn't long until he was promoted from beat cop to detective, than later on, to homicide detective. People naturally felt at ease around Derek, especially those who were recently victimised by terrible crimes. There was no doubt that he had a good bedside manner, so to speak. The fact remained thought that the crimes he was commissioned to investigate were becoming increasingly more complex and diabolical. Naturally, he was approached with an offer of free augmentations for his dedication and service. Derek, unlike many people, held no fear when it came to augs. In fact, he relished the opportunity to extend his abilities beyond their natural limitations. Anything that helped him with his work was always worth it, or so he believed. Dereks augs transformed him into some kind of super detective. Being augmented was the closest thing to having superpowers it seemed. Never before had he felt so powerful. It was almost felt like he was a cocky kid again. It wasn't long until his enhanced abilities had him taking on cases in increasingly more dangerous areas of the city, such as the southern precinct. It was there that the incident happened. The incident that finally broke him. Those kids shouldn't have been there. If only they were in school. Maybe then it wouldn't have happened. But it was the south precinct, it probably would've happened eventually. A special new division was forming within the Detroit PD. A position which he was strongly advised to take by his superiors. Being taken out of psychiatric care early was more than a little jarring, but he was requested especially. That was all the motivation he needed.[/color] [color=gray] [b]Augmentations[/b][/color] [color=lime]Cybernetic eyes: These augs have completely replaced Dereks natural eyes. Truly, these babies are some of the most advanced as well as the most expensive augs on the market. They look indistinguishable from regular eyes, except for the yellow irises. Their vision is far superior to the organic eye. They allow Derek to have slight telescopic vision as well as the ability to scan faces, fingerprints, registration plates etc. A detective who wields these augs has very few equals. Neural data link: A cranial aug that allows Derek to access the police database with a mere thought. Any information he needs, he can summon into his field of vision. An invaluable aug for any detective worth his salt. RES or Reflex Enhancement System: A series of tiny augs that form a network along the spine from the base of the brainstem down to the tailbone. These augs enhance the nervous system in order to greatly boost alertness, reflexes, and hand-eye co-ordination. This augmentation network allows Derek to be extremely accurate with his standard issue 9mm. They also aid in his close combat capabilities.[/color] [/center] [/hider]