[h3]Cpl Edwin Tai[/h3]UNSC [i]Eternity Abroad[/i] --------------------------------- "Get yer grubby hands off that!" Corporal Tai yelled as he leaned across one of the many tables in the ready-room, "You know how fucking hot that shit burns? It'd go right through the deck and out the bottom of the ship in a minute flat and their ain't nothing damage control could do to stop it, it even burns [i]without[/i] oxygen so spacing a deck would be useless and your sorry ass would be stuck in the room with all this shit you caused going on!" Tai yelled as he grabbed his only thermite grenade from the Private at his front. With a flick of the wrist Tai sent the grenade spinning into the air, the distraught look on the Private's face grew as Tai seemed to miss catching the grenade and it struck the floor with a thud. For a moment all those around him were silent, and even a pin drop could have been heard in their ready room. Then Tai began laughing. Banging an open palm on the table Tai would laugh as the Marines around him seemed to awkwardly shuffle in place and begin to go back to preparing for their imminent drop, "Don't worry about it, that shit wouldn't go off unless I really wanted it to." he'd reassure the now wide-eyed private in front of him before retrieving the grenade and placing it in a vest pocket. Not waiting for the Privates response, Tai turned to a locker on the wall that read "CPL TAI". With a few button presses and fingerprint the locker unlocked with a click and Tai gave it a kick causing the door to slowly swing open. He reached inside and grabbed the rest of his armor and a few other small belongings before heading down the hall of the ready-room to the armory at the far side. [b]"Name and serial number, hand on the scanner."[/b] the voice of the armorer beckoned to him even before he had really reached the armory window. "Tai, Edwin M35886-21M35-13257-AA/S." Tai stated as he placed his hand on the scanner. The armored seemed to mumble at a display that Tai couldn't read and moved with a bit of a purpose as he disappeared into the depths of the armory. After nearly three minutes of waiting Tai began to hear what sounded like an unusually laden cart being moved through a tight space, the incessant clatter of a nut that wasn't quite snug and the ever so subtle clanging of metal hitting metal when it wasn't supposed to gave way to the armored returning witha cart full of goodies. [b]"MA5B... M6E... One satchel charge... and a good old M41 with six rockets... Just what the fuck do you do again?"[/b] the armorer asked in his monotone voice that made him seem as uninterested as could be. "Anti-armor." Tai replied as he adjusted the strap on the M41 and loaded to of the six rockets into the chambers. Ensuring his rocket launcher was on safe he slung it over his back and took the M6E, loading a magazine and checking its safety again he shoved it into the holster at his right thigh and reached for the satchel whcih he attached to the back of his armor at the belt line a little offset as to allow him to sit comfortably. He grabbed the MA5B and loaded a magazine before placing it back on the table. [b]"The rest of them."[/b] the armorer said as he placed a few stacks of magazines on the windows counter. "Appreciate it." he said as he began stuffing the magazines into their respective pouches. Rifle in hand, M41 on his back, and feeling over a hundred pounds heavier, Tai made his way to the hangar that had been designated as his teams departure point with a smile on his face. Nothing made him feel safer than high explosives.