Darran frowned as if considering the cat woman's words, the sound of woodwork and masonry collapsing slightly in the background, then shrugged. He supposed her thinking made sense... but even so, why not simply run away whilst firing the weapon? Again, though, not that he was going to stop her. Better they kidnap the abhuman than the surgeon caught out in the wrong place at the wrong time, after all. 'I suppose whatever works for you, ma'am,' the surgeon agreed with a smile that he tried to make slightly nervous, 'though as for me, I think I'd rather just cut my losses and make my escape. That's understandable, right?' That said, he began moving out toward the back of the bar, drawing his own weapon more for the sake of self-defense than deterrence of the sort the woman had in mind. After all, if you were going to shoot at somebody, it had better be a killing shot.