Avitus listened to the rundown of the ark survivors situation before responding. “Yes, we’ve encountered that cloud, too. The Scourge, we call it. When Natanus hit it, Macen- Our Pathfinder was injured. He died while trying to transfer our SAM to me. That damaged the SAM and made it focus on Barro’s last orders: Get the Natanus to our golden world and find me. Pushing through the Scourge tore the Natanus to shreds, nearly a quarter of the stasis pods are gone. Worse yet, what was our golden world six hundred years ago is now an asteroid belt. The other worlds are not much better, I’m afraid. I wish we had more good news to raise your spirits.” Avitus activated his omni-tool and connected with the Kryik’s chief medical officer. “Verrikan? Break out the medical equipment, I’m afraid we’re sending a lot of wounded your way.” Then he switched to Morano. “Erin, start moving cargo from the main cargo bay into smaller storage compartments, even my cabin if necessary. We have a lot of tired people and they need some room to rest. Just keep the halls clear and mind the ship balance.” [b]“This is a pathfinder ship, not a hotel. How are we supposed to accommodate Hanar? And the Elcor? Even with all the supplies unloaded, there’s not much more room I can squeeze out of this.”[/b] Her voice came through. “Didn’t the STG teach you anything? Adapt and overcome.” [b]“I can’t inflate the ship, it’s fragile enough as it is.”[/b] “You helped steal plans for a secret frigate and managed to keep the Nexus from falling apart, yet you can’t find a bit of space to cram a few extra starving Elcor into? You’ll manage, even one is a victory.” He turned back to the group. “I know it’s a long-term plan, but what about the Keelah Si’yah when we leave? Leaving so much of our technology in the hands of potential enemies is as far from a good thing as it gets, but stripping it would take forever. But the extra resources would certainly be of use, especially for new settlements.” Avitus paused before asking an uncomfortable question. “How many survived?”