[b]9PM, Owen Castor's Place.[/b] "Yeah, Mum, everything's going great so far. Everyone at the surgery's real nice and you should see the stuff they've got there. The facilities are like, top of the line! And some of the patients we've got are just the sweetest- yes, yes they are patients, mum!" Owen said sternly into his phone. "Fine, the animals are really sweet! We've got some dogs in that... yeah... yeah I said the other vets are nice. No we haven't gone out after work or anything we work weird hours... and I've only been there a week I don't know them that well yet. Yes I've at leas unpacked!" Owen said sternly into his phone. Calls from his parents always ended up like this these days. When he'd first told them that he was moving somewhere as big as Shine City his mum had gotten it into her head that he'd get mugged the first day he spent in city limits. It had taken a lot of talking and brochure throwing to calm her down from the threats of big city living. By the time he'd found a place to stay she'd practically fallen in love with the place and was threatening to move there too! With a bedside manner like that he should have been a human doctor... or a politician. The second option might have been better, since he was lying through his teeth about unpacking. Right now he was standing alone among the wasteland of scattered boxed and clothes strewn about in piles that were [i]perfectly organised[/i] in Owen's head. Getting round to home making and stuff like that was never Owen's strong point. Normally he was out of the house for so much of the day that the apartment was really just a place to sleep and eat. So what if he hadn't gotten round to becoming a little social butterfly but he wasn't turning into some kind of hermit. Was he? They wrapped things up after a little more talking, hearing what cousins were up to and setting aside dates for weddings that Owen didn't promise to attend. It left him with something to think about though. Was he being too narrow minded? Owen was new in here, he wanted to establish himself as more than the new guy at work, as some kid that needed looking after. He wanted to hit the ground running! Granted that meant coming home exhausted most days and feeling like doing little else but vegging out on the couch for a while. He'd been in Shine City for a week and he hadn't explored the place beyond the route to and from work! [i]'Wow that's... that's pretty embarrassing right there.'[/i] Owen thought to himself. "Well I could always change that." Owen muttered to himself. Although it was pretty late. And a Sunday, it wasn't like he could go out partying, not that he had anyone to party with anyway. [i]'Aw screw it! The rain's calming down, I can just go for a walk, I don't have to commit to anything.[/i] If nothing else it'd take his mind off of the nicotine cravings in the back of his mind. [b]Out and about in Shine City[/b] [@PrinceAlexus] [@Indy Cooper][@BubblegumQueen] Wow the brochures were right, this city really didn't sleep. Owen had to admit there was something pretty about the city streets at night. All the lights from the stores and neon signs from downtown twinkling everywhere and reflecting off the puddles left over by the rain. The whole street looked kind of like an oil painting with all these bright streaks of colour laced against the dark. Owen imagined that someone more artistic than him could do something with a sight like this. [i]'Well no sense in letting it go to waste.'[/i] He thought, getting out his phone and snapping a couple shots with the camera. [i]'There, now I have proof I'm a brave explorer.'[/i] Owen smirked to himself. He carried on in his little expedition, taking in some bookstores and cafes he might want to check out once they were open. There were signs for a theatre around here too, that could be fun. Maybe there was a gym around here too, he may as well keep the health kick going. Owen had seen way too many guys put on the pounds back in school thanks to snacking in study hall and living off of takeout. He'd been one of them for a while. Then a fresh sign came up as he carried on down the street. 'The Cornerstone' That place looked pretty good. [i]'Guess I could treat myself tonight.'[/i] The place looked pretty crowded for a Sunday. Owen guessed that there must have been a lot of professional types around this part of town. The building it was attached to looked like an apartment block, maybe these folks were residents. IT looked pretty cool though, pretty trendy. [b]“Think I'm gonna head out, got work to do. Mind if I take this with me?”[/b] Came the call of a lady at the bar as she brandished a bottle of booze. They just let people take things home with them? Was that even legal? "Excuse me, sorry." Owen smiled awkwardly as he edged by the woman looking to take the party home with her as he tried to find himself a spot at the bar. If he was going to try and take the place in then he might as well get himself a drink while he was at it. He ended up squeezed in next to a tourist by the looks and sounds of her at the end of the place. [b]"and a Black coffee, no sugar please if you sell it."[/b] "Can that be two? If you've got it." Owen raised his hand a little to get the bartender's attention. "With milk in mine, please." He should have gotten decaf, damn. "Sorry about that," He said, turning to the Brit who's order he'd jumped on. "just you usually have to fight for an order on busy nights... at most bars that is. I- I don't know about here, I'm sure they're great." Owen hurriedly added with an apologetic smile, suddenly aware that he might have just insulted the bar staff to their face. And probably made an ass of himself in front of a lady with big grey eyes.