Oskar listened to Vespin, who was mistaken. They hadn't been released, he did say the cell block had taken damage.. oh well. and he was excellent at cards He didnt have the time to argue the minutiae so plan B then... [b]"Fine"[/b] he said and rubbed the back of his neck, this was going to sound insane [b]"A Space Marine smashed open my cell and requested my help... he should be along shortly if he wasnt caught by your friends. An ork attacked us when we fled, so i decided that we would come up here and get armed, maybe take the ship for ourselves or this Space marine. Maybe become pirates. But i mostly wanted to get armed and armored before i thought too far ahead."[/b] It sounded crazy, he hardly believed it himself. except that he witnessed it happen, He hoped Vespin knew he wasnt smart or creative enough to come up with that on the fly unless it was true.