As luck would have it, Rhaak had heard of the Calimshan Pasha's down in his home country having 'spas,' so the joke wasn't lost on him. He allowed himself a ghost of a smirk, and then there was a sudden 'clink.' Morwen would feel the strength of the chains that were holding her arms above her head suddenly give, and the weight of her arms would finally let them fall below her shoulders. "No problem." he told her, backing up to give her room to stretch or stand. He could see her well enough, though the dark was much harsher on his eyes than an Elf's. But from her clothing she wasn't a warrior or fighter. He didn't know if she'd slow him down at all, or if she was an evil fey that he unwittingly unleashed as he tried to escape. But he tried to tell himself that was just him being paranoid. Any prisoner of the wizard who put him here was a friend of his for the time being. It was at that moment he realized he was parched, and his dry tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth for a brief moment. He swallowed, but that helped very little. There was a desk behind him that he had not checked yet, having heard this Elf's voice as soon as he had entered the room. [@FreeElk]