[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Deeper%20Than%20The%20Sands:%20Chapter%20One&name=prinp___.ttf&size=30&style_color=f7976a[/img][hr][@rivaan] [@Pundii] [@Morose] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@Sigil] [@ONL][hr][h3][b][color=f7976a]October 4th, 1924 - 12:10 P.M. Local Time[/color][/b][/h3][hr][/center] [color=f7976a][b][i]Barracks:[/i][/b][/color] Peter sat there listening to his uncle. He had heard about the whole dishonor thing from his father on many a tirade. As far as blackening the name of Keystone, Peter could have cared less. As far as he was concerned his father could and would deal with any dishonor Peter brought to the family. Even if that entailed waltzing through Parliament stark naked covered in plum jam and having a tea cozy on his head while singing God Save The King. He was the second born, the spare. He was supposed to be the black sheep. That being said, Vera was a different story. Their friendship and kinsmanship went back many a year. While he never understood why she did her best to say in the good graces of the court he would not do anything to bring dishonor to her name while they were together, in a manner of speaking. There were few people on this earth whose opinion of him mattered and they both were in Cairo; Vera and Reginald. Giving a small nod of his head and a solemn grin to his uncle he finally spoke. [color=82ca9d]"We hold on to those most cherished to us when the skies are darkest dear uncle. I understand what you say and I will. I have changed some, who hasn't in times of war. I suspect she has as well. It would be most prudent to lend a hand and tag along as it were on this endeavor. Though I must ask..."[/color] he said pausing for a minute in thought. [color=82ca9d]"Just what exactly are you and dear Vera up to?"[/color] Aziza giggled a bit. [color=a187be]"None of my things are at the hotel, I need to stop by my home if that is not too much trouble. I live in the Gheit el Idda in an apartment on Shari Muhammad Akbar near Shari Abd El Aziz,"[/color] she said. It actually was no more than a five minute walk from Harry's home surprisingly enough. At this question she smiled dreamily. [color=a187be]"Oh Drahl. He is most dear to me. Strong, quick. Lovely brown eyes and a dark mane that is stunning while he is running,"[/color] she said in a happy voice as she described him. [color=a187be]"The best Arabian Stallion in Egypt."[/color] [color=f7976a][b][i]The Prison:[/i][/b][/color] The warden gave Josephine a wide toothed grin and showed her in. The door closed heavily behind the two leaving her alone in the wardens office as his pudgy body waddled over to his desk and he sat down behind it. "Sit," he said motioning to the chair in front of his desk. Picking at his teeth for a moment he just watched her. "Do you know why you are here?" he asked, wanting to get in her words why she thought she had been brought to the prison. The wardens office was dingy, cramped with files and papers cluttering the desk. It was hardly kept neat and tidy like over at the barracks but it was air conditioned - a rare treat in this part of the world - and it was a far step up from the rest of the prison. A good example was the room that Haakon was shown to by the representative of the prison that had fetched the two of them. This looked to be the room that Abbas had originally been [i]interrogated[/i] in. There were two chairs, both old and rickety. A table between them where it looked as if shackles could be pulled through the center. It was in even worse condition than the chairs and was covered with a small pool of blood that continued in a splattering to the floor and up the wall. A single tooth rested in the crimson liquid. "Sit," the representative said flatly as he stood there and the door was closed behind them. "So, why don't you tell me what you were doing at the hotel." [color=f7976a][b][i]The Museum:[/i][/b][/color] [color=f7976a]"Thank you,"[/color] Vera said sheepishly towards Lauren. [color=f7976a]"The curator would have had my head if I dared put a scratch on this vase,"[/color] she said in a relieved voice as she slowly moved away from it. Looking over as William walked passed them she caught his words and there was obvious hurt in her eyes. She had been used to him taunting her but as of late his words seemed to feel much more personal and malicious. It had not been the first time in the last twenty-four hours he had said something about her clumsiness that stung and while she hadn't called him out on it as of yet her face spoke volumes each time he did. Taking a deep breath she blinked away the tears about to form and glanced back towards Lauren. [color=f7976a]"If you would be so kind as to wait for me in my office, I need to speak with cafeteria about bringing up a meal for my meeting with Lady Kingston. I shan't be but a moment,"[/color] she explained before turning and walking off in another direction away from her office. Rounding the corner she made her way down a set of stairs to speak with the kitchen staff directly and to get a few moments alone to compose herself more fully. "I see," the curator said before motioning towards the main hallway for the exhibits. "Please then, do enjoy a look around. We have much on display of our most recent finds as well as some wonderful pieces that have been on display for quite sometime. If you have any questions, there are assistants throughout the museum that will be more than happy to answer any of your questions," the curator said gladly towards Mosi. Turning his attention back to Nora and Neema he sighed a bit. "Sticking your nose into things again aren't you Neema?" he said in a rather harsh voice before smiling at her. "Yes, of course. You know your way around. Please, go ahead. The Lady Munn's office is in the archives where Dr. Montego used to call home. Do watch out, she is as clumsy as he was," he warned before excusing himself. Neema chuckled a bit before motioning off in one direction. "Shall we?"