[Center][color=0054a6][H2]Cain [/H2][/color] [Hider=Disguised Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/diRVmj3_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=high[/img][/hider][/Center] [hr] Cain silently listened the conversation from his position, crossing his arms as if to retain his body warmth - a fairly valid guess, for he was indeed shivering a little - as he tried to make sense of what was happening around him. Even if he could, from the corner of his mind, identify that the guy named Rath was talking something about dark fae and how dangerous this place was due to their presence - in despite of the fact that it apparently was his homeland, and Cain highly doubted that it would be as dangerous as he made it seem when such a weak person managed to survive there - as well as the fact that Tania and Lena were seemingly curious about this specific subject, but even that was mostly due to his ridiculously high INT stat, as he was still mostly concentrated in trying to make sense out of the weird impulses that were gradually taking over his mind - a perspective that was hardly attractive for someone who loved himself as much as Arthur Weiss. He finally decided to forget about trying to make sense of it a few seconds later tough, as he decided that he should worry about their immediate future before trying to understand the psychological changes that came together with his new body, concentrating in undestanding what their "new friend" was talking about.[i][color=0054a6]Wait a second! Floor spots? There's not even a single respectable Inn there?[/color][/i] The Devil couldn't help but scream internally. The perspective of passing a night without a comfortable bed was simply too much for him, a person accostumied to the luxuries of life, so the piece of information that came from Rath was simply terryfing - specially since he wasn't sure about wheter dimensional storages were widespread in this world, and thus couldn't really use it to take a bed for him in front of its inhabitants. Ultimately, though, this internal conflict was quickly dismissed due to the sudden appearance of yet a new issue: Lena was walking towards him and she definitely didn't seem to be happy. [color=0054a6]"I-I'm not sure, to be honest."[/color] The Demon said, weakly smilling as he talked to the Elf - what clearly pointed how disturbed he was by what happened, since his attitude was normally pretty self-confident. [color=0054a6]"It's just... I've been having quite the violent impulses since coming to this world and, by what I see, they're specially strong when dealing with humans."[/color] He continued after a moment of silence, deciding to honestly voice his issue to the female as he felt the hint of worry in her voice. [hr] [@drewccapp] [@Rune_Alchemist][b][/b]