[center][img]https://vgy.me/GrzTi0.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][u]Plot:[/u][/h1] In the year 2017 a virus originating from Africa spread across the globe, scientists could not find a cure or a vaccine. In 8 months, the virus had become a global pandemic, governments across the world were uniting in an effort to save humanity. By 12 months after the initial outbreak 18% of the global population was dead, 32% was infected and for lack of a better term were zombies, and it is believed that 30% of the population is immune, leaving 20% of the population as not currently infected but still struggling to survive. After 18 months, any semblance of law and order had completely collapsed. Most people stay in small groups and don’t trust outsiders, these groups are not always openly hostile towards each other but not all of them get along either. There are 2 main groups in the city of Atlanta: The Faction and The Conclave. The Faction is a large group across the world but the local chapter in Atlanta is led by Rick Steele, a former US Army Ranger. Not much is known about Rick before the outbreak, he became the head of the Atlanta chapter out of necessity not by choice. He protects the members of his group and of other groups if he can. The overall goal of the Faction is to focus efforts on population growth and finding a cure or vaccine of some kind. The Conclave is based in the US but has a large amount of control. They believe in power, and taking whatever they want by force. Many altercations between groups are between the Conclave and groups who have supplies the Conclave wants. There are also rumors that they kidnap women of other groups to help build their numbers and pacify their “army.” The story will start in 2022. [h1][u]Character Sheet:[/u][/h1] [noparse] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (If you plan on participating in a romance aspect of the RP I do require you be 18+ otherwise I require you be 15+) [b]Looks:[/b] (This can be an image or a description) [b]Skills:[/b] (Are you a medic, can you cook, are you a good shot, gear head?) [b]Loyalty:[/b] (The Faction or the Conclave?) [b]Rank in Organization:[/b] (Leader – not available for the Faction, Second in Command, Member, New Member) [b]Bio Before the Outbreak:[/b] [b]Bio After the Outbreak:[/b] [/noparse]