[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]http://cdn.wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/robertdenirothefamily.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b] North Of Newnan (2 Temple Avenue) ---> (Veterans Memorial Park - Corner of Temple Ave. & Jackson St.) [/center][hr][hr] The kitchen surrounding Alexander was frighteningly familiar, sending a shiver down is spine as he let his eyes scan the now lit room. He tried to not let the memories come back, barely registering what his eyes were actually seeing. But he remained in the moment, for now. Not that anything stuck out to him there; the kitchen was old-fashion furnished, stove, fridge and all. The open cabinets were as empty as expected, but some remained closed; not that he expected them to contain anything mindblowingly important, but he tried to make a mental note of them for later. His mind had other ideas, though, as he turned to see the door leading out the screened-in porch, the outside of the house and the tree-house. This time he couldn't hold back, and it all went black for a second. Then he opened his eyes again, but he was far away. [color=662d91]"Why, dad? Stop living my life for me!"[/color] A voice called out in what felt like a large cave, echoing far and beyond. An older man wearing massive glasses and an ironed-shirt neatly tucked into his pants, sat at the table beside the window. Snow was falling down like never before, but the seated man looked like he was boiling over. It was difficult to hear what he said, but the faint memory of words like "too young", "die" and "mother" gave much meaning to our spectator. The features of him were blurred, but the voice was familiar, though less hoarse as two words broke the encroaching darkness; [color=662d91]"Fuck you!"[/color] [b]Smack[/b] Alexander's palm hit his cheek with a loud smack, pulling him out of his state of manic delusion and back to the battered kitchen in the middle of Georgia. Yes, this was were he was, not an old house in Chicago. He had to focus. The small door on the right was his escape from his past then. He opened it. Great, his luck clearly was having a very difficult time to decide what to award Alexander. The door he opened revealed what once had been a pantry, filled to the brim with such well-renowed nutritions that everyone knew and loved; [b][u]nothing at all[/u][/b]. Sure there were a few grains of rice, but it was more of a mockery towards Alexander than useful, and so he simply closed the door. Or rather, he slammed it shut. He sighed as he turned around to the rest of the kitchen, starting to search through the various cabinets, dish-washer, stove and fridge. Hopefully this mission wouldn't just be good for those sending him on it. He had gotten tired of that many years ago. The grumbling noises coming from the bearded elder grew louder for every empty cabinet he searched, until he finally slammed the fridge door shut so hard one might be afraid it would fall off. Really? Was this it, not finding anything at all? Alexander's eyes ran across the cabinets he had searched, irritated of his clear lack of favour by the lucky lady. Then they stopped. There was still one cabinet he hadn't searched. He sighed, seriously considering if it was worth checking or not. What were the odds that he would actually find a proper mug... But right there, hidden in the shadows, stood it; the coffe mug. Hadn't it been the time it was, Alexander would have seriously questioned the joy he felt for seeing such a beautiful sight. Carefully stretching out, he grabbed it and pulled it out of the cabinet, looking it over in the light. He had to chuckle to himself as he read the inscription; [color=662d91]"'World's Greatest Lover'. Looks like the Grunt saves the day, once again."[/color] What then? Alexander looked up with his cheery face from the mug and around the kitchen. It wasn't anything left to search there. His eyes gazed down the hall from which he'd came from. He had looked pretty thouroughly there too. Then they stared at the door, the porch, the snowed-in shed and the tree-house. Should he...? No. It was wrong, it felt wrong. Every fiber in his body refused to even consider going out there, the place that reminded him of...him, and what followed after. Alexander took the cup, and walked back to fetch the tea-cups and the rest of the set. He wasn't spending any more time there. The door closing behind him felt like a breath of fresh air. He was out, out and safe. Well safer than he felt inside a cramped house in partial darkness, but it was an improvement, okay? The ever increasing heat wasn't something he would complain about now anyway, so Alexander felt a smile form on his lips. Now it was time for tea. Alexander had slung his axe across his shoulder so that he could actually carry the silver platter, the cups and tea-set, and the coffe-mug. At least Lola was going to have a field day. But before going there, he put down the various pieces of china, and pulled out his radio. [color=662d91]"Steel Chicken, this is Grey Hawk. Put the kettle on, I'll be home soon. Over."[/color] It didn't take long for him to return to the tank and his female superiors so-to-speak. The worst part was the fear he had of slipping on the snow and shattering what he had spent so long searching for. Once he almost fell, some of the snow had begun to melt in the baking sun. But he caught himself and remained up-right. As he turned the corner of snow and saw Lola and Thalia in or on top of the tank. Lola's change of look was...excotic, to put it nicely. Very, very nicely, like complimenting a dead badger. [color=662d91]"Mission complete, Sergeant Ma'am. Four tea-cups with saucers, one coffe mug, one tea pot, a bowl and a milk...mug? And to top it all off..."[/color] Alexander told them as he put the silver platter down at the tank, pulling something out of his back pocket. [color=662d91]"Spoons. So, Thalia, how about that chocolate drink? And my radio, if you would be so kind."[/color] It was kind of silly, him risking his life in order to look for some cups and mugs. But Alexander, perhaps due to the fact that he wasn't alone, couldn't help but smile. Perhaps the future had some forgiveness for him for once? [color=662d91]"I take it nothing out of the ordinary happened while I was gone?"[/color]