[@TheWindel][@KoL] I have a few questions to ask about the game, partially its setting, and partially its metaphysics. They likely won't be relevant to my character (who's still in production, so you know), but I'm interested to ask about them nonetheless. 1. How does the Heaven > Machina > Hell > Heaven circle work? Is it only specifically each race's supernatural powers and gear that are affected, or would any sufficiently-aligned physical substance also be affected by that? Are there any other concepts that those conditions might apply to? 2. What distinguishes each faction's land holdings from the rest of the Nexus? Does each faction have their own pocket dimension containing their capital city/headquarters? I'd assume they aren't all in the same dimension, but is there some factor that determines how many jumps a given entity has to make to move from a particular faction's dimension to another, or could a being theoretically dimension-hop straight to Hell from Heaven, or perform other similar factional crossings? 3. What's the idea behind the Eyes? Do they denote some particular destiny - are their bearers likely to have some special role to play when the Great Danger finally rolls around, or do they just act as a generic high-tier powerup that improves their chances against the Great Danger and other foes? What routes can be taken for somebody to get them within the game, assuming they're in a special role and so able to acquire them? Is it just "unlocking your potential", or are there other means of getting them? 4. And what's up with the Great Danger, anyway? It seems like the scope of the game doesn't quite cover how that's going to work out at this stage, when it ultimately represents what I assume is the game's final boss. Will there be warning signs that it's beginning to come close to the Nexus? Will we receive preparation time to try and handle it? What sort of powers are we expected to wield in order to stand a chance against it? Since it's quite late for me, I'll probably see any answers about this tomorrow and respond accordingly. Thank you in advance for helping me understand how things work in-setting.