A snarl escaped christopher. For several reasons. One, he didnt quite believe this was happening,like the man who seemed abit to violent for his taste. Two, if he was dead, he had some problems with that. However, three, was the biggest problem. This guy was imidiatly taking shit to far, and it was already pissing him off. He quickly raised his hands, stepping between the two. He glared at the sword weilding maniac. With a growl, he cracked a finger with his thumb" listen...I'm about as pissed off as you are. This cant be happening. But things arent adding up. Last I remember, I couldnt even walk. I was bed ridden, and unable to breath properly. If this is some kind of sick, well crafted joke, then we need to deal with it like calm, mature adults. But ive been in a hospital bed for half a year now, and if you cant calm down, I'll ram that sword through your gut and that shield up your ass!" His eyes hardened as he clenched his fists, glaring down the sword to the man. Unbeknownst to christopher, his body had began to steam, heat radiating off him like his rage. "Are we clear?"