Skyler calmly closed his book and stored it away as Willow spoke again. He wasn't particularly fazed by the revelation of his death. He'd apparently had some time to mull it over as he worked on the garden during the transition. Apparently this place didn't have anyway of measuring soil pH outside of dying plants according to his aggravated writing. Too bad he couldn't remember much about that. [i][color=00a651]Oh well, I'm sure given time I'll remember.[/color][/i] He though to himself as Willow paused for questions. Then a situation erupted. Someone was yelling, swords were being drawn, threats were made, and now an elf was leaping over- He snatched his coffee out of the way- tables to escape. Skyler chuckled quietly at the elf now dabbing on the table. "[color=00a651]You are absolutely ridiculous. Get down before you trip silly. You just died, no need to break you neck just after you got here.[/color]" An odd noise caught his attention. He glanced over and froze. A girl stared down his wings, drooling. He shivered, thoroughly creeped out, and scooted further away from her. He slipped his wand out his bag and rested it on the table, just in case she decided to try fried wings today. "Everything okay over there?" He hesitantly asked the girl. [@Leaves] [@HokumPocus]