[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/spray-paint-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/4c080b52f95e7f9355bdd469bb965e33.png[/img][/url] [url=http://cdn.acidcow.com/pics/20120619/cosplay_girls_04.jpg]Picture[/url][/center] Pam was out of marks the last crowd she’d been running with having been dead set on crossing the wasteland where those few who had tried and returned from said was barren and free of even dirty water the later good enough reason for her to cut away from them to seek another group with a less suicidal mindset. This meant she once more had to fend for herself but for her that was just another day in her life and she was still breathing which was all anyone could hope for on in this world. She didn’t waste time thinking about the idiot who had called himself Snake and the others who followed him blindly and only counted her time with him not a total waste because she’d gotten her new ALICE pack from him as a gift...well that’s what he’d called it but she thought of it as payment for services rendered her only regret that she had never gotten him to give her one of the 6 rifles his band possessed. Her present problem was shelter from the elements and the creatures that used the darkness to hunt, not that daylight was any safer but at least she could see what wanted to eat her and stood a chance of making her hunter a meal before they did the same to her. She moved as silently as a shadow careful not to leave a trace of her passage as she looked for her temporary hidey hole and was soon rewarded by finding what looked like an old city bus that had all it’s windows somehow and forced the old rear door open then had to use all her strength to close so that she could feel safe.