[quote=@Double] [@Arty Fox][@Rex][@ShadowVentus][@SMS][@Kalzky][@Rockin Strings][@Ryougu][@GoddessOfNature] So here's the deal: [@Letter Bee] told me he would be willing to give me permission to take the reins and manage the reboot. My only reservation is that I don't want to go putting together a new thread only for no one to show up, so before I do anything I want to know how many of you will take part in the reboot if I start it? Bear in mind, my GMing style is almost certainly going to be different from Letter's, as is my actual writing style. That basically means I plan to follow my own suggestion and start everything on one World/Earth as well run a beginning arc that takes place entirely on that Earth before the Multiverse elements are introduced. [/quote] I'll take the resounding silence from most of you as a "No", then.