[code]Well, listeners, Clara made it back safely. A round of applause for her, coming back alright. So far, we haven't received any calls of injuries or car accidents. I'm also glad to report there has been no news of riots. Way to go, Kingsport! Staying calm in the face of absurdity and adversity is a powerful trait to have. That said... while I agree with Meridian County police to stay indoors until we have more information, it seems so... odd, seeing our beloved city look so empty from the drone's camera. There are gatherings of cars, of course - it looks like some people are currently taking refuge in Kingsport's library, Pottsmouth's Coffeehouse, even a 7-11. I do hope they're all safe.[/code] [hider=PopeMaddi] [color=39b54a]But not really. After all, if we're all trapped here, fewer people is better, wouldn't you agree?[/color] The voice cackled and fizzed from the radio's speaker, but sounded nothing like the announcer as its bouncy and carefree tone let the question drift through Adelaide's living room.[/hider] -kzzzt- Officer Barnabe had the night shift for patrolling Kingsport. It was tough dealing with the superpowered criminals who seemed insistent that Kingsport was theirs to command through right of power; a little worse dealing with the inflated and wounded egos that were bound to show up afterwards. He'd been putting up with it for almost twenty years. At least this most recent generation seemed a little more toned down. Of course, maybe this would change all that. His night shift became a double shift as the news rolled in and, rather than bring out even more people, Chief Pierce thought it safer to just keep everyone on duty, and stay by the station unless someone called for help. The fewer people on the streets, the less damage could be done until this event could be understood. Hopefully, even the supervillains might realize going out could endanger them as well. And what was Officer Barnabe doing out in such worrying conditions? Smoking a cigarette. Goddammit, he needed his nicotine. Besides, as he reasoned with Chief Pierce, the radio host Gaulton had put the plea out for the superheroes to help. Might as well make sure they knew the station was in fact open.