After changing into her outfit, Adelaide heard this.. voice. From the radio? No.. that didn't sound like the news guy. "Hello?" She asked, looking around the room. No one was there, so.. how? A few minutes passed, and after hearing nothing new, she couldn't help but agree with the voice "Maybe.. maybe it's right." Sammy started meowing, making her realize what she was doing. [i]"Oh, right. I need to get more cat food."[/i] She thought, then grabbed Sam's little cat-carrier, placing the cat in it and going outside. "Yep, still pitch black." She mumbled, walking down the sidewalk and into the nearest store. She used the flashlight on her phone to see through the darkness. [i]"Wow... can't even see the stars. I actually kind of liked looking at them."[/i] They reached a CVS which was just a few blocks away from her house. It looked open, so she went inside. Inside, the whole building seemed empty except for a cashier at the front desk. She nodded her head at him in greeting, then went to find the cat food. [u]After Returning Home[/u] Angrily, Adelaide turned off the radio. "Sam, you idiot, go poop in the litter box next time!" She yelled after finding cat poop in the cat-carrier.