"I...think you answered that question already. We do what is best for our family. We let it go, because that's the safest thing we can do. If Do'rhajul decides to stop fighting for Vile, or, divines, if he decides to actually try to [i]resist[/i] Vile, then letting him do that would be the safest for all of us. The General is a werewolf, after all. If he deserves to be punished, then Hircine will do so in the next life. We don't have to." Ahnasha said, surprisingly decisively considering her previous doubt. "If we ever do encounter him again, I think giving those notes to the Nord would be the best plan. He seemed to have some doubts. Thank you, I...just needed some reassuring, I think." There was now a subtle smile on Ahnasha's face as she turned herself completely to face Fendros. It was a smile that gradually turned more mischievous before she put both hands onto his shoulders, then rolled herself onto his lap. The kiss that followed was far more passionate than before. In fact, the thoughts of their mortality was driving her to be much more energetic than usual in showing her affection.