[@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44] Congratulations goes to Pundii for solving the cases! Mephistopheles - He is working for the pagan deity called Hel. The Wardrobe - When Mephistopheles tortured the kumakatok and killed it, he created a rip in time. The wardrobe was uniquely positioned along this rift and caused people to be transported through time and space. Pundii has received two temporary plot armors as a reward, since he solved both cases. We will be moving onto Chapter Three with the next update. This will be our last and final chapter. There will be a new relations/clue sheet, and all characters will receive bonus skills for surviving. At the end of chapter three, there will be a teaser for the HoC sequel, ~working title~ [i]Death After Midnight.[/i]