Camilla rose up out of a euphoric state. She felt completely alive her whole body buzzing with desire and with pleasure. Her dark eyes were wide and dilated and she knew that Elspeth was about to transport her beyond her wildest dreams. The beautiful blonde was astride her, pinning her arms, needlessly to the bed as she leaned is as though to kiss her throat. Camilla closed her eyes and waited for the rush of pleasure she knew was coming and then, with bone jarring suddenness the door exploded inwards in a shower of splinters. Elspeth's face changed subtly and suddenly instead of looking up a picture of perfect human beauty their was a hard beastial edge to the face. Her cannines were long and pointed like tiny daggers and she glared at the door in abject fury. Confusion still reigned in Camilla's mind as she saw Cydric in the doorway sword drawn. "Elspeth... what?" she began in confusion but the woman shoved her face hard into the bed and leaped off with inhuman speed, avoiding the arcing thrust of Cydric's blade with a serpentine ease. She landed on the otherside of the room where she tore a stranged curved sword from the wall and whirled like a beautiful deadly angel. "To arms!" She called in a clarion clear voice, "Kill the intruders!" [@POOHEAD189]