Travis collapsed in the sand with a sigh, "You know what I meant," Awhile longer and eventually Travis regained his strength in his legs, allowing him to finally stand and walk again after a short rest. Zuri eventually returned in their fold, prompting Nemo to declare that everyone here had survived the wreck. However, the way it was worded caused Travis' gut to turn again. There was no sign of Zoey still and the last time he even saw here was while they were fighting Seidon. Further more, he lost sight of her the moment she transitioned him through one of her shadowy portals all the way to the opposite side of the ship. He soon began to expect the worse as he silently delved more on the subject. Eventually, as they finally began trekking into the jungle, it was then Nemo ambushed him with an unexpectedly personal question. The query certainly caught him off guard but it was nevertheless a needed distraction to keep his mind off of gloomy facts and circumstances, "Technically, I still am a 'student'. I may have mentioned earlier that I'm a Scholar which is one of a few aspects I was required to select from. Given my majors, it was the perfect fit." "While as a Scholar," he continued, "I would have higher clearance to some of the more ancient and advanced tomes, my main job however is to seek out newer knowledge the Academia does have recorded yet and to research and fabricate new spells or techniques. I'm sure you've already seen some of my personal handiwork in action," "You'd think Scholars would have it good, being as we're usually writing reports and not looking for trouble unlike our Ruin or Knight Mages friends; unfortunately, trouble tends to find us. I've been on several expeditions and had to deal with a handful of threats though the most amount of trouble I seem to get in with the most are those Disciples of Salem jerks or the Cultist nutjobs. Travis paused briefly before picking back up with Nemo's main asking point, “Anyway, the solo expedition I was on was more or less a bust. Too many sacrificial-happy denizens occupying many of my lead research sites and I was reduced to making spells in the middle of nowhere. As you can imagine, Felix showed up and recruited me after that.” It was not a moment later did Nemo's final comment finally registered with the Untalent, “And what do you mean by looking like a masochist? You mean the hairdo, right? Having a full side of hair practically shaved off wasn’t my idea.”