Many men in Marienburg would have considered it some sort of lovely dream to walk in on their beautiful lover straddled by an ethereal and graceful woman such as Elspeth. But Cyrdic was much more old fashioned. That, and the fact that Elspeth was a vampire and Cyrdic was enraged by the idea of such an abomination getting near his Camilla was a complete turn off. "To arms!" Elspeth called in a clarion clear voice after she had shoved Camilla into the bed, "Kill the intruders!" Cyrdic had missed her with his initial swing, but the wolfish ferocity of his movements had him leaping toward the bed even as the Vampire called for aid. "Come on, girly," he breathed, lifting Camilla up and over his shoulder. Luckily for the Tilean courtesan, once her wits were about her she was in reach of Cyrdic's pistol, and she still had her own. The Imperial held his sword toward the Vampire defensively, though for the time being she seemed content with staying put. A brettonian cry behind Cyrdic brought him back to his senses, and he whirred around, his sword catching the rapier of a gentlemen that had thrust at Camilla, barely missing her due to Cyrdic's movement. His next slash was caught by the rapier, though the strength of Cyrdic's swing still disarmed the man. The gentlemen cried out, and Cyrdic's next punch had him floored. The Ostlander ran out of the room, seeing a swarm of eager suitors running down the hallway towards them. Ricardo shook his head, as if he was attempting to wake from a particularly nice dream. "Camilla? Cyrdic?" [@Penny]