"And why is that?" He asked her, referring to everyone calling her Junebug. "Sayeeda's got this sexy, warrior feel to it. Junebug is a lot more quaint, though not in a bad way. On Fortus you had to earn a nickname, which is why I'm curious." It didn't take him long to get the moniker 'Firestorm,' really. He just needed to be himself. As soon as the light blinked off in the cockpit, Neil himself blinked at the electrical spark that sudden surged in front of him. "Oh, so you're that kind of deal..." he said, delving deeper into the engine further. As she spoke to him, he actually did a good job of listening while he was busy fixing up the sub-light drive, something most mechanic-men had a very difficult time going about with their undivided attention. "The [i]Armored[/i]?" He asked, putting emphasis on the last word. She was either an infantry soldier in an armored division, or she was a driver, or perhaps even a mech pilot like himself. Though he had mentioned the latter before and she never showed any recognition, so it probably wasn't the case. Still he was very curious on the matter. "What did you do there? Other than being a heart-breaker...and an arm-breaker." The light blinked on in front of the Captain not 10 seconds later. [@Penny]