[center]"[i]Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.[/i]" -Ben Franklin.[/center] [hr] "We all remember back in the days when we still wore our ridiculous costumes, bright and flashy. Beating each other up while the crowds watched. When we boasted threats and insults at each other while the media broadcasted our fights to the nation. Sometimes we'd nearly kill one another trying to outdo the other. That was our struggle back then. Back when everything was easy to understand. There were the good guys and there were the bad guys. At the end of the day, the champion of truth came out on top and the villain would be taken away to serve his time. Now... Now everything isn't as simple as before." [center][img]https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13398875_1744935959087957_1659461974_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI3MzQ0Mjc2ODk1MDU0MjQ2MQ%3D%3D.2[/img][/center] "Everything changed during September 11, 2001. Without the slightest clue, America was attacked. People were afraid for their lives, unsure of what was happening. It got even worst. People like myself, the crooks, scum and criminals took advantage of the situation. America's heroes couldn't patrol everything everywhere. Even they were caught in the confusion. So Washington did what it had to. The Commander and Chief declared a state of Marshall Law. They clamped down hard, restoring peace and order with an iron fist. President Andrews promised that once the nation was under calm and control, he'd put everything back the way it was. It's been 20 years and America has never been the same." [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/00/da/97/00da97e61bf3dcb03121f6f9f1bc802d--cyberpunk-city-futuristic-city.jpg[/img][/center] "But I'm planing on changing that. I'm putting together a group of people who are sick and tired of being stepped on. Who can see behind the facade. People who can see the truth. That we were cheated out of our rights. People who want to see that change. Forget the past. Forget old rivalries. Just this once, we're all in the same team with one goal. We're going to bring back freedom to the American people. It's going to be dangerous, I'm not going to lie, but that's the price we have to pay. We risked our lives even back then anyways. So what do you say? Are you with us?" [hr] [center][h2]Introduction (and mostly everything at the moment)[/h2][/center] Welcome the Underground, a superhero roleplay set in an despotic, American dystopia. Your character will be part of a group known as 'the Underground', a collection of former super heroes and villains trying to change the system. Most of the time, you wont be wearing a fancy suit and cape. You'll be blending into the crowds. You'll be recruiting other potential members, sabotaging the regime or if it comes to it, openly fighting them. During your characters numerous missions taking down the system, there's a chance they'll run into the heroes that remained loyal to the regime. This enforcers will be given maximum authority to take you in or worst. As much as possible, we'll try to avoid them and the eyes of the government at large. The setting will be in the year 2021, 20 years after 9/11. A bit futuristic(post-contemporary) but nothing crazy. Think flying cars and functioning robots. Nothing like self replicating nanomachines and galactic travel. The United States is still under a dictatorial regime where political freedom is none existent. The common folk still live out their lives, or try to at least, like before the disaster. People are still allowed to voice their opinion but large crowd gatherings strictly watched and any kind of political demonstration, no matter what it supports, is illegal. I'm hoping on getting maybe four or five people on board before we start but any number will do. Anything larger and I'll have to get a co-GM. And that's everything I have so far. I have an idea on where I want this rp to move but nothing solid yet. I'm open to new ideas. Once I get a couple of people interested in this, I'll add more to it and start and official OCC.