[u][b]ACTIVE[/b][/u] [hider=Date][color=FFA07A] [CENTER] [I]Character Theme -[/I] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHkdbd-pLqI]Spectrum[/URL][hr][hr][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/7a5c/f/2015/045/2/8/neiro__by_keelita-d8hzwu2.png[/img][hr][hr] 【[u]Full Name[/u]】 Date Watari 【[U]Nickname/Alias[/U]】 Young Blade 【[U]Gender[/U]】 Male 【[U]Age[/U]】 18 【[U]Age Appearance[/U]】 17 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 Bisexual? 【[U]Village[/U]】 Konohagakure 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 Konohagakure 【[U]Alignment/Affiliation/Organization[/U]】 Konohagakure 【[U]Clan/Bloodline[/U]】 Watari 【[U]Rank[/U]】 Chunin 【[U]Chakra Nature[/U]】 [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img]Raiton [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165923[/img]Suiton [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img]Ranton 【[U]Appearance/Wardrobe[/U]】 As seen above. His hair is darker though, and his eyes are the same piercing white, a trait of his family and how most recognize him. [hr][hr] 【[U]Personality[/U]】 Date is complicated at best and takes some getting used to at first but gorws on you like bad birthmark, you may not like him at first but you learn to appreciate his differences int he end. His own history and situation makes he see the bright side to most situations and people too (even if there isn't one). He will give you the shit off his back (if he has one on) and treat you like you are his family, keeping the lives of those around him safe is what drives him to become stronger. During missions he will what is required of him and taking orders is not problem, and he does so to the best of his abilities. But that does not mean he is a push over, Date can be a little shit at times and no matter how much you appreciate his kindness and care, he will always add sarcasm to spice things up. He can be abrasive but that is only to see if people are "real" enough to be his friends and not just some fake attitude you might wear to get through a mission. He loves to make bonds and form friendships with others, and does his by working his way from the darker sides of people and into their good graces. Date is that asshole in the group who you get mad at because you want to not like him but he is nice at the same time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 The Watari clan hails from the Land of Iron and Konohagakure. Before the second war the Watari clan were proud samurai from the Land of Iron, who were known for being able to make powerful blades that could work in tangent with different chakra types that improved over all function, control and power. They did this by mixing ancestral forging techniques with different combinations of metals and mineral. People would pay top dollar to get Watari Steel; "Spring Steel", "Moon Steel", "Rising Dawn", just a few of the different Steels made by the Watari clan. Every head of the clan must introduce a new steel before he is replaced by an heir, or otherwise be know as a failure. During the second war the Watari clan were nearly wiped out in the battles and choose self preservation, leaving the land of Iron and seeking out the Konohagakure to pick up ninjutsu and strengthen their abilities while holding fast to their traditions. The Konohagakure accepted the now small clan and when the treaty between the two was signed it was stated that "the Watari Clan will uses the fires of Konohagakure to make the best weapons the world has ever seen." Ever since the end of the war, the Watari clan has been in the Land of Fire and proud members of the Konohagakure, making not only swords but applying their techniques to make new weapons for any who can afford it. Date was born 18 years ago from the current date and his father ([url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/youngjusticefandom/images/8/87/Specte.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150522061419]Suemori Watari[/url]) is the head of the Watari clan, and the man who introduced the idea of making more than just swords with their steel and thus changing everything the Watari Clan stands for. Date grew up with the sword, his every waking moment was involved with weapons, his families steel, and katanas. His father would often call him a "sharp child", and out of all his siblings he was his dads favorite. Date has 3 other siblings and although he is the youngest, he was the only one to have enough talent to become a ninja. Taking the path o the sword as a ninja was not easy and Date's mentor commended him for choosing this route. As a genin he choose to forgo learning any hard core ninjutsu and focused on his kenjutsu wanting to perfect the art and make himself a better swords man. His mentor respected that about him and began to work with his father to help improve him over all. To commemorate Date becoming a chunin, his father allowed him to make his first sword that he would use in combat. Date made his "Spring Steel" blade and named it Howaitosupāku. Date's creation, compared to other blades made by his family in this generation, was not the best but his father always told him it was a good start and he would only get better. Now Date is the ninja of the family and aside from his father, he is the only liaison to his clan (officially) to the village. He lives by his blade and only hopes to help those in need while making a little mischief along the way. When he began his more advanced training as a chunin, his mentor taught him Ranton, and was the first man to show Date that you can blend ninjutsu with kenjutsu and still be considered a good swords man. Date is still the same kid who breathed, ate, and slept his families traditions and weapons, especially their swords. But now he is becoming his own man and doing things his own way, many can see the storm brewing and smile because they know he will do great things. [hr][hr] 【[U]Equipment/Weapons/Items[/U]】 [i] [u]Name of Weapon or Item:[/u] Howaitosupāku (White Spark) [u]Description:[/u] A Chakra Blade in the form of a katana, it is made with a special hybrid formula only known to his clan that is called "Spring Steel" and allows the sword to withstand the high temperatures of Ranton. Everything on the blade but the tsuba and the steel is white, the steel takes a bronze color, and most who see it assume its copper. It is average length, perfect for his arms and when he travels it is holstered on his back but during combat it is either at his side or in his left or right hand (because he is ambidextrous and can draw from either. It is the focus of his fighting style and in a majority of his techniques. [u]Appearance:[/u] [hider=White Spark] [img]http://www.samuraiswordsshop.com/ProductImg/312/Buy-Battle-Reday-White-Japanese-Full-Tang-Katana-9260-Spring-Steel-Sword-Sharpened-Online-b0.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u]Name of Weapon or Item:[/u] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Konoha_Chakra_Blade]Konoha Chakra Blade[/url] [u]Description:[/u] Simple Chakra Blades that, Date uses to flow lighting chakra through for combat. He usually carries four of them at one time. [u]Appearance:[/u] [hider=Hider] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/f/f4/Konoha_Chakra_Blade.png/revision/latest?cb=20160124145001[/img][/hider][/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[u]Noteworthy Traits[/u]】 Average Chakra Pool Excellent Chakra Control Talented Kenjutsu Initiate Iaijutsu Swift Blade -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Kekkei Genkai[/U]】 [I] [U]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/u] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_Release]Ranton (Storm Release)[/url] [U]Clan:[/U] N/A [U]Rank[/u] N/A [U]Description:[/U] See Link above. [/I] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]Jutsu:[/I] [hider=Canon Jutsu] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Academy]Academy Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Samurai_Sabre_Technique]Samurai Sabre Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Flash]Flash[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Iaid%C5%8D]Iaidō[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Dancing_Blade_Risk]Yōjinbō[/url] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165923[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Dragon_Bullet_Technique]Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu[/url] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165923[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Bullet_Technique]Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu[/url] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/ab/Nature_Icon_Water.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165923[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Clone_Technique]Water Clone Technique[/url] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Ball]Raikyū[/url] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_%22Thunderclap_Arrow%22]Raiton: "Jinraisen"[/url] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Burial:_Banquet_of_Lightning]Raisō: Ikazuchi no Utage[/url] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_Release:_Laser_Circus]Ranton: Reizā Sākasu[/url] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_Release:_Thunder_Cloud_Inner_Wave]Ranton: Raiunkūha[/url] [/hider] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Nimbus Cloud [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Self [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img]Ranton [b]Description:[/b] Date uses Storm Release to create a more dense cloud that is only big enough for him to stand on. He uses it to travel long distances. Its not much of a offensive jutsu and was modeled after Wukong's Nimbus cloud. The cloud looks like dark grey and white cotton candy and when he uses it he only goes a foot off the ground. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Light Blade [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Enhancement Kenjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b]Melee [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img]Ranton [b]Description:[/b] Date uses Storm Release to cloak Howaitosupāku in chakra similar to Laser Circus but more focused. It is similar to Vacuum Blade, but instead of using wind chakra he uses storm chakra to increase the damage and sharpness of his blade. This blade is able to let off slashes of storm chakra similar to that of the Flash technique. This technique was modeled after the Samurai Sabre Technique but with greater focus and control. The blade will need 2 post to cool down, or he can do it in one post by leaving Howaitosupāku in cold water. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Light Whips [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Shurikenjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 6 meters [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img]Ranton [b]Description:[/b]Similar to his Laser blade, Date focuses Storm chakra into his shorter chakra blades, but instead of giving it a more fine point he takes advantage of the fluidity. He uses the chakra blades as a focus and makes to whips made of pure electricity, but they flow like whips. Each whip is (if he uses two at a time) is about 9ft long, and one is about 12ft long. These whips are as dangerous as normal whips. With enough force they can break skin and cause burns, but they lack the raw power and sharpness of the light blades. With such a high intensity of focused storm chakra, Date is not able to keep the flow for long and after 3 post the chakra blades will melt. The blade will need at least 2 post to cool down. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Light Iaijutsu [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] Melee [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img]Ranton [b]Description:[/b] Date mixes the Iaidō techniques with his Light Blade technique to increase the precision and speed. This technique requires more focus and chakra. But he essentially can buff any Iaidō technique with this chakra increasing its damage and sharpness. After using a Light Iaijutsu technique he has to wait 2 post before doing another. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Light's Dance [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Iaijutsu/Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] Melee-4 meters [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/dd/Nature_Icon_Storm.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012165447[/img]Ranton [b]Description:[/b] Using the standard Iaidō draw method, Date uses his Light Iaijutsu to empower the Yōjinbō technique. Although instead of a dash, Date heavily layers his blade with Ranton and is able to fire off waves of storm that contain the force, speed, and power that the normal technique would contain. This turns the Yōjinbō technique into an empowered and ranged Flash. He can only let off three waves every time he uses this technique and all three must be in the same post, he also has to wait one post before using it again. [/hider] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/Center][/Color][/hider] [hider=Akuno][color=DC143C] [CENTER] [I]Character Theme -[/I] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI5VmfngnNQ]Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing[/URL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/4eb8/i/2013/037/b/0/hiroko_by_fimii-d5u1u9i.png[/img] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U] Akuno Kuīn 【[U]Nickname/Alias[/U]】 [i]Immortal Priestess[/i] [i]Daughter of Jashin[/i] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 Female 【[U]Age[/U]】 Unknown 【[U]Age Appearance[/U]】 Mid-twenties 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 Asexual 【[U]Village[/U]】 Ex-Kumogakure 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 Secret Jashin Temple in the Kumogakure 【[U]Alignment/Affiliation/Organization[/U]】 Akatsuki 【[U]Clan/Bloodline[/U]】 Jashin 【[U]Rank[/U]】 S-Rank Criminal 【[U]Chakra Nature[/U]】 [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img]Fūton [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] Raiton 【[U]Appearance/Wardrobe[/U]】 As seen in picture above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 Akuno is a blood thirsty tomboy, who follows the teachings of Jashin to the letter. She is not inherently foul-mouthed and disrespectful to individuals but she does not care who you are or what you do in life, only in death do you matter to her. Akuno is quick to point out the flaws of her allies and enemies, referring to both as "neighbors in waiting". She has a firm belief that actions of the body before death are blessings and thinks when one is stabbed, cut, bruised, fatally wounded, or ill its Jashin's way of calling death to you. Akuno believes that the only way to live life is either as a corpse feeding into the will of destruction, or as one who continues on living in [i]sin[/i] as a child of Jashin alleviating those who fear death. As one who lives in sin, Akuno was taught that it is her responsibility to repent by helping those still afflicted by [i]peace[/i] and [i]life[/i], her "neighbors". Akuno thinks every death, mas murder, drop of blood, cracked earth, destroyed home, loss of any kind is another tribute to her lord and a better world. Her killings are a public service and help hasten the living process, so to her by dying you have lived. Her kills further her devotion and connection to her lord so death is always an option to her. She has a deep hatred for those who champion justice by using [i]laws[/i] and [i]courts[/i] when death is the only real justice, she also hates medical-nin. Akuno knows that in most peoples eyes death is a sad thing but after killing someone she can be seen laughing or giving Jashin a silent pray of thanks, she believes that anyone (no matter how important or powerful) deserves death, unless they are those who live in sin like her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [b][i]Last Journal Entry of a nameless Mother, Land of lighting Temple of Jashin #4[/i][/b] This daughter of Jashin is a special, one of the few who succeeds in following the path sin. She was born before the second great ninja war, her parents do not matter and were killed in tribute to lord Jashin soon after her birth. This child was special, she would cause great calamity in the years to come and bring about the death of a famous neighbor. She was raised as a child in out hidden temple, taught everything we could about Lord Jashin, even went on to make her own young inquires as to his true meanings and his plan. As she got older she was taught the ways of reaping and learned our most sacred techniques, killing her peers and those who could not keep up with her. When this child turned [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/db/09/f2/db09f2bafbbcbd95b8af0e152d1c1031--character-ideas-character-art.jpg]15[/url] she was given the name Akuno Kuīn (Evil Queen) by some random man whose family she had just given lord Jashin's blessing. It was after her naming that we felt she was ready to leave the temple and being her mission, the Lightning Daimyō was as sickly man and we took this as his calling for our lords help. Now there are those sinners who would try to sop us from blessing the Lightning Daimyō, so to get around that we sent Akuno to join their ranks and get as close to the Lightning Daimyō as she could. We told her that it was gonna be hard trying to fit in and not follow our lords teachings, but it was necessary to give him the ultimate sacrifice. So the girl did, made friends, found a husband even had a child. She climbed in rank and was soon a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b4/39/5e/b4395e1be3937ffa842a3a8ac35f73f0.png]jonin[/url] of her village. She was well beloved and known for her strength, man thought she would become an aid of the Raikage. She played her part well for our lord and when we felt the time was right we sent her a sign in the form of a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31k5Dz05l5L.jpg]necklace[/url]. The following day Akuno went missing and her husband and child received the blessing of Jashin in the form of death. Over the next year [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/73f8/th/pre/i/2013/014/1/5/isae_jashinist_oc_by_rarity_princess-d5rgxnb.png]she[/url] would be spotted killing the private guards of the Lighting Daimyō, and then the day came when she would take his life. Her mission was not a failure, no it was success and she gave the man a glorious blessing taking his head clean off and gave our lord and even better gift, his death. We cared not what happened after the seed of chaos was planted, but we do know, we always keep tabs on Jashin's children. After her success 5 other jonin, her former friends, came and tried to arrest her but alas even those sinners cannot stop the light of Jashin. In response to her dedication and offering she was given immortality by our lord, the ultimate punishment and blessing. She would forever be cursed to wander this world doing our lords work, she would now be the Daughter of Jashin, his immortal servant and child who would offer his divine blessing to all who needed it. Soon following this was the second great war. This was a glorious time for our lord, so much death and carnage, chaos and destruction. Our rituals and prayers had so much power during this time and our lord gave us much for any sacrifices made during this time. I would hear of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ee/e1/5b/eee15b81ec10f4f9e6470d90bbec5e77--nutella-baby-girls.jpg]her[/url] again during this time, once again taking the disguise of a ninja. She caused much havoc on any battle field she could find, killing all and any who stood in her way, no matter what village they came from or what title they held. Akuno was still doing Lord Jashin's work and granting those afflicted by life the release they needed. Now in recent years we heard she was approached by a man with a similarly color past, he asked for her services and surprisingly we did not hear of his death, but instead of her working for him. We could only hope that she remembers our lords teachings and brings him a bountiful harvest. I end this with the knowledge that the child I helped teach is coming back to give all of us here the final lesson of Jashin: absolute death. In fact she is out side giving many sacrifices to our lord and soon I will be given release from my fear of death. So if you fear dying, just call out to her and wait for her to ask you the most important question of all [b]Do you fear Death?[/b] Your answer will bring you closer to Lord Jas-........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Special Traits[/U]】 Large Chakra Pool Master Bukijutsu Tremendous acrobatic prowess and dexterity Adept Taijutsu Good Chakra Control Immortality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Equipment/Weapons/Items[/U]】 [i] [u]Name of Weapon or Item:[/u] [b]Kurushimi[/b] [u]Description:[/u] A dark black scythe that stands as tall as Akuno. It is heavy and sharp enough to split rocks in half if swung right. The entire scythe has chakra infusion properties allowing the user to flow chakra through it with ease. The scythe is sealed on her arm. [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/noblesse/images/f/f9/DeathScythe.png/revision/latest?cb=20110402124156]Scythe[/url] [u]Name of Weapon or Item:[/u] [b]12 Deshi[/b] [u]Description:[/u] 12 blades that have no tsuka. Each one has the Jashin symbol in red imprinted on the front side of the blade. The blades can either be summoned one at a time or all together, she stores them in a scroll. [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1kUfSOXXXXXaUXXXXq6xXFXXXK/Real-Full-Tang-Japanese-Samurai-Katana-Sword-Straight-Blade-Handmade-1095-Spring-Carbon-Steel-Very-Sharp.jpg]Sword[/url] [u]Name of Weapon or Item:[/u] [b]Mākā[/b] [u]Description:[/u] Mākā are her main option for marking her foes to help start her juinjutsu. She makes these pieces of chalk with normal components and sacred blood (blood of those who have been sacrificed to her lord). Each one has a rectangular base and is sharpened to have a fine point. [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=https://www.hairchalk.co/wp-content/uploads/30-sexy-red-candy-apple-hair-chalk-1.jpg]Chalk[/url] before it is sharpened [/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Kekkei Genkai [/U]】 [I] [U]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/u] Divine Paths of Jashin [U]Clan:[/U] Jashin [U]Rank[/u] N/A [U]Description:[/U] There are three paths for any follower of Jashin to follow in combat; Pain, Suffering, and Swiftness. Those who follow the Path of Pain are specialist in making their sacrifices succumb to pain before offering them to Jashin. The path of Pain specializes in quick burst and short fights, getting close and using anything with a sharp edge to cut your suffering into fine pieces for lord Jashin. There are no direct guide lines for the path of pain, but for the ritual to count you must start with the Prayer of pain and end with it. The Path of Suffering is far more strict and requires much more preparation. Those who follow suffering invoke the mark of Jashin and his 12 Disciples frequently. The path of suffering is all about long confrontations that leave the sacrifice disfigured. Sometimes followers are satisfied with the amount of suffering caused and leave the sacrifice alive, forever marked by Lord Jashin to wallow in agony and beg for death. Lastly the Path of Swiftness, it is the easiest and most frequented path of those who follow Jashin. There is a short prayer and it is quiet simple either you kill the fast or slow. Have a long drawn out battle or a short quick confrontation, both end with the sacrifice for Lord Jashin. This path only contains 2 techniques: Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood and Body Controlling Manipulated Blood [/I] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]Jutsu:[/I] [hider=Canon Jutsu] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Curse_Technique:_Death_Controlling_Possessed_Blood]Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Curse_Technique:_Body_Controlling_Manipulated_Blood]Curse Technique: Body Controlling Manipulated Blood[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Clone_Technique]Shadow Clone Technique[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Blade_of_Wind]Blade of Wind[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Air_Bullets]Wind Release: Air Bullets[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Sphere]Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Electromagnetic_Murder]Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Thunder]Lightning Release: Thunder[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Thunderbolt]Lightning Release: Thunderbolt[/url] [/hider] [hider=Path Of Pain] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] 1000 Cuts [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Ninjutsu/Bukijutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] All [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img]Wind Release [b]Description:[/b] Akuno slashes in an "X" with her scythe or blade and a gale of compressed wind follows. The gale itself can knock over a human and the wind within it is sharp as knives and cuts the body in random places over and over again. Not getting caught by the gale, or just dodging it is the best way to avoid the technique. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Kurushimi Sting [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Ninjutsu/Bukijutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 7 meter radius [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] Lighting Release [b]Description:[/b] Akuno charges her scythe with lighting chakra and the slashes at her enemy. This creates a line of electric energy to follow in that direction. It is simple enough to doge and wind ninjutsu counters well. The technique can smash rocks and if it touches a human then it will electrocute them and leave burn marks in the form of a line in the same direction slashed. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Pain's Lament [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Ninjutsu/Bukijutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] Melee [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] Lighting Release or [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012163149[/img]Wind Release [b]Description:[/b] Akuno flows chakra through her scythe or swords causing them to become sharper and extending their ranger. Either weapon will be enveloped by wind or lighting chakra and its range s increase by at least a foot. Attacking the weapon with its weakness (i.e fire for wind and wind for lighting) will cause the technique to end. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Curse Technique: Pain Controlling Meat Bag [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Juinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] All [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] For this ritual must have a mark of Jashin drawn on her chest and a part of her enemies body. She can connect with more than one person, as, long as they bear the mark of Jashin that was drawn with her chalk. She cuts her finger and drips blood on her chest and then her skin turns the signature black with white markings. After the ritual begins 75% of any damage she takes will be reflected on anyone bearing the mark of Jashin. If the mark on her chest is disoriented then the ritual ends. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Curse Technique: Pain Controlling Blood Tie [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Juinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] Melee [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] This ritual requires her to draw two marks of Jashin on two opponents and ingest both of their blood in the same order she drew the marks. Once the last drop of blood is drunk her skin will turn black signalling the start of the ritual. The two people marked are tied together now and any damage done to one reflects on the other, even death, if one does so dies the other one. This link can only be broken if Akuno is dealt a fatal blow or if the marks are disoriented. [/hider] [hider=Path Of Suffering] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Jashin's Voice [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive/Utility Juinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 30 meter radius [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] After making the rat hand seal anything that bears the [url=https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/d/dc/Mark_of_Suffering.png/revision/latest?cb=20160109234222]mark of suffering[/url] begins to have painful vibrations flow through out it. If it is on something living then that part of the body will begin to have the vibrations, if it is on an inanimate object then said object will pass on the vibrations to whatever it touches. The vibratos cause people to topple over and fall to their knees, and more than one mark in the same place amplifies the affect. The easiest way to get away from this techniques is to try and remove the mark or run out the range. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Jashin's Body [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensive Juinjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 24 meter radius [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Akuno will dash into battle using her chalk to mark her enemies flesh, leaving them with slashes of red all over their skin. The she draws a smaller mark of Jashin on some part of her body and then stabs the chalk in the middle of it. This is her making her sacrifice and when it is accepted the skin surrounding the mark turns back and red marking turn white (not only on her but those she marked). This ritual causes the marked areas to experience great pain, the more marks on the body the greater the suffering. The average ninja cannot stand more that 5 marks before being unable to fight. She can remove the chalk and continue to mark and then start the ritual again. She can only use one chalk per ritual and if she wants she can draw another mark of Jashin and being another ritual on another part of her body.If the mark of Jashin or the chalk is broken in any way the the ritual will not continue. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Jashin's Mind [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Utility Juinjutsu/Genjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] 7 meter radius [b]Nature Type:[/b] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/de/Nature_Icon_Yin.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20100916093714[/img]Yin Release [b]Description:[/b] Akuno places the mark of Jashin on the her enemies for head with her chalk. She must then draw a mark of Jashin big enough for her to stand in the middle of. Then to activate the mark she has to speak the mind Prayer and use the tiger hand seal. Anyone within a 4 meter radius of her that bear the mark of Jashin on their heads are trapped within a genjutsu that makes them watch helpless as the ones they care for die, or makes them live/face their greatest fear. This jutsu can be very physically and emotionally draining and depending how long it lasts the ninja may or may not get up. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Jashin's Absolute Death [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Offensives Jujutsu [b]Rank:[/b] S [b]Range:[/b] 20 meter radius [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Akuno draws a mark of Jashin and stands in the middle of it, then summons the 12 Deshi (however many she needs) and plants them into the mark/. She draws blood from her opponents and drinks it from the blade, one blade for one foe, after drinking the first drop of blood her skin turns black and she gains white bone markings. After drinking the blood she proceeds to stab her heart with it, and this causes the owner of the blood to succumb to the same fatal wound. She must use all the blades she summoned in order to use the ritual again in rapid succession (if she initially summoned 3 blades then she must stab her heart with three blades). If she does finish this ritual lord Jashin punishes her and denies her the right to use his absolute death again. The technique would look like this in combat: Akuno would summon 4 of the 12 Deshi and plant themin the ground around her. The she would begin her assault on attempting to draw the blond of her enemies, after drawing blood and drinking it she returns the blade to the mark of Jashin where she stood. Once all the blades have been used her skin will turn black and the markings will appear and she then will start to stab her heart with the swords. [/hider] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/Center][/Color] [hr][/hider] [hider=Eishi][color=FFB6C1] [CENTER] [I]Character Theme -[/I] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkR4cZSYitg]STICKY SITUATION[/URL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/db/38/1d/db381df50b19215ebd0b5960b74543f6--male-outfits-anime-outfits.jpg[/img] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 Eishi Shinobu 【[U]Nickname/Alias[/U]】 [i]Tsuchigumo[/i] [i]Spider Boy[/i] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 Male 【[U]Age[/U]】 17 【[U]Age Appearance[/U]】 Early-mid teens 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 Homosexual 【[U]Village[/U]】 Iwagakure 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 A lab outside of Iwagakure 【[U]Alignment/Affiliation/Organization[/U]】 Iwagakure 【[U]Clan/Bloodline[/U]】 N/A 【[U]Rank[/U]】 Chunin 【[U]Chakra Nature[/U]】 [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] Raiton [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012162502[/img] Doton 【[U]Appearance/Wardrobe[/U]】 Any wardrobe changes can be seen in the picture. Appearance wise, Eishi has blue eyes and shaggy unkept pink hair. He stands at 5 feet 9 inches, sagging shoulders with a slim lean build and pale skin. His face mostly carries an uninterested look, he almost always has a lazy glint in his eyes. Accompanying these features is a birthmark shared by his clan, he was just unfortunate enough to get it on his face, it is a upside down backwards. Most of the time he looks sleepy, not really wanted to do much except eat and move into the sun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 Eishi is a young man with no ambition. After discovering the greatest betrayal of his life he was left with nothing but wounds that needed to be licked. He is not well versed in social cues and takes everything at face value. His up bringing taught him everything he is surrounded by is wrong and evil but now he has a reason to question a lot. He speaks quiet plainly, not blending his words often and never giving the sensitivity some talks might need. Eishi is perfect for advice for he offers the most objective opinion you could imagine and will tell you exactly how things look to him. In combat he will openly ask his foes why they did certain actions instead of others, often wondering why they did not take the easy win in any fight against him. He is very observant and can pick up on lies, hidden emotions, and false intentions quiet easily. This does not mean he understands them but will question why they are happening or why he was told a lie when something else was the truth. He has a habit of rubbing his arm when he is uncomfortable, or scratching the back of his head when he is thinking about something. Often times he is seen reading some book by some famous writer trying to grasp the ideas of what he has to look forward to in life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 Eishi is a young ninja born and raised in Iwagakure. Raised by his mother in her secluded home about half a mile away from the village, his is an only child to his knowledge and all she ever said about his father was that he was a "sperm donor" who served his purpose. He was born to be an experiment and further his mothers career, the experiment was to prove that lineage and clans did not matter and through genetic alteration you could make the perfect ninja. When people saw her journals and heard about this research many thought they could stop her from having the child, but they were to late because by the time the writings were published he was already born. Eishi has a very strict up bringing and from early on hung on the words of his mother as if they were words from god. She used fear tactics and intense training to fool the boy into believe that the world was still a bad place to live since the second great war. She not only wanted him to become a jonin like her, but also better and reach greater heights. She wanted him to rely on his "gifted" genetics. Eishi inherited a Kekkei Genkai from his fathers side but of course his mother felt that is was due to her work and test on him. Even he thought she was correct and it only solidified her control over him. When he started to got o the academy, life only became even more confusing for him. The people were not how she said, the school was not how she described it, the outside world was totally different from what his mother explained. This caused him to question everything she ever taught him, when these questions arouse his mother acted quickly and silenced them by showing him the harsh truth of poverty, pain, murder and suffering. What she did was show him those affected the most by the previous war, and how it left a bitter taste in his mouth, and in his nativity her believed her yet again. His undying loyalty made him disliked by his peers and talked about by many were ever he walked, people knew who he was and who his mother was and spared him no kind glance. When he became a genin his mother took him out to a cave deep in the northern mountain ranges of the Land of Earth. This cave was home to many species of giant spiders and in her youth killed one taking its corpse home and dissecting it. When they arrived, she made Eishi do the same and he ended up killing a pregnant spider, this was a right of passage for him and it earned his mothers respect greatly. As a gift to himself, Eishi took one of the eggs and named it [url=http://www.spiders.us/files/misumena-vatia-15-580x434.jpg]Jo[/url], his own little secret that would not be discovered until he became a chunin. The spider was hard to hide and even harder to tame but soon it recognized its master and now grows along with him. By the age of 16 and a fresh chunin everything would change for Eishi. He would start to question his mother left and right (call it teenage rebellion), asking her why certain things did not add up and if she lied this whole time. The boy was losing his innocence and she had no other ploys to draw him back into her false world, so she told him the truth of everything. His birth, his life, his training, his father, everything was a lie all to make her look better and stay on her side so she could continue her experiment. He was livid, hurt, sad and most of all confused. Eishi had no purpose in life and is now looking for something else to live for. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Special Traits[/U]】 Above Average Chakra reserves Great Dexterity Good Summoning Skills Great Chakra Control Minimal Defense Against Genjutsu Nimble -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Equipment/Weapons/Items[/U]】 [i] [u]Name of Weapon or Item: [/u] Gourd [u]Description:[/u] Eishi carries a gourd on his back the size of a water bottle, it is filled with a anti-venom [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/59/ec/36/59ec36881346725f4c0134fa4ec273f9--japanese-rice-wine-japanese-sake.jpg]Gourds[/url] [/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Kekkei Genkai [/U]】 [I] [U]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/u] Kenpon: Silk Release [U]Clan:[/U] Shinobu [U]Rank:[/u] N/A [U]Description:[/U] Eishi produces silk similar to spiders silk by infusing his spit or sweat with his chakra. The silk is strong, durable and conductive. Its greatest weakness is fire, and can be washed away with enough force. The silk is strong enough to withstand wind ninjutsu and sharp edges. After 2 post the silk will lose its elasticity (as does normal spider silk) and becomes weaker over all making it easier to cut through, burn, rip, wash away and tear but it still holds its stickiness. By increasing the density of the silk, Eishi can also make Supaidāgamu (Spider gum), a heavier, metal like silk that is super sticky (except to him) and when it cools becomes hard as iron, it is also pink. The spider gum can be burned but it would take higher temperatures of water and fire. Because it takes more to make, after using a Supaidāgamu technique he requires 2 post to be able to do it again. [/I] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]Jutsu:[/I] [hider=Canon Jutsu] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Electromagnetic_Murder]Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Strike]Lightning Strike[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/a/a3/Nature_Icon_Lightning.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091021173339[/img] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Spider_Web]Lightning Release: Spider Web[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012162502[/img] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Hiding_Like_a_Mole_Technique]Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012162502[/img] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Hiding_in_Rock_Technique]Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique[/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/18?cb=20091012162502[/img] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_and_Stone_Bamboo_Shoot]Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Spider_Bind]Spider Bind[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Spider_Web_Area]Spider Web Area[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Academy]Academy Techniques[/url] [/hider] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Summoning: Jo [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Summoning [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] Self [b]Nature Type:[/b]N/A [b]Description:[/b] Eishi summons Jo in a number of ways, whether it be through usual ground summons or summoning him on top of the sword. When Jo is summoned he is accompanied by a smaller parasite that causally follows his species. He is nimble and light on his feet, making the perfect assassin, all of his legs are bladed and perfect for crossing blades or spinning fast webs. His silk is pink in any and all light, even in the dark it glows white, and when people try to cut through it its would be like cutting through ice, so most would try to burn their way out. Jo is about 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide so he is big enough to be ridden by Eishi. Jo's venom is deadly to an extent, if it enters his enemies body in any form but oral then it has a paralytic effect (Similar to Black Widow venom). It causes the bite area to shut down and stop functioning, this can cause cramps, sever pain, and loss of function in the limb bitten. The venom is only lethal if it reaches the heart and stops it from functioning. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Supaidāgamu [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] All [b]Nature Type:[/b]N/A [b]Description:[/b] Supaidāgamu can be used to make any weapon Eishi might need, now they wont be pretty but they will be work. He is know for making spears, a bow , pointy swords that lack a sharp edge (except the tip), and even armor that is durable enough to with stand most C-B rank fire techniques. Supaidāgamu is released at a very high temperature from Eishi's body and immediately hardens and cools minuets after being created, so if it is reheated back to to those temperatures then it will melt again. Any a rank fire technique will melt Supaidāgamu, and even boil water hot enough to cause it to melt as well. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Trap Door Technique [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Summoning [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] Mid-Long [b]Nature Type:[/b]Earth [b]Description:[/b] The technique requires him to use Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique so he can burrow into the ground like the southern trap door spiders. When this is complete he leaves a small thin layes of sand that acts as a "door". He then summons Jo and lies in wait for hie enemy to step on the false door above where Jo leaps out snatches them in. The more time he has the more space he can burrow with. When Jo catches someone they will immediately begin to weave the enemy in a cocoon. The easiest way to break free is by sheer force or fire techniques, spiders hate fire and silk is flammable. Smoking out the hole will also work, or flooding it. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Great Web Technique [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 6 meter max [b]Nature Type:[/b]N/A [b]Description:[/b] Eishi coughs up a giant ball of silk that expands in front of him and ensnares anyone caught in it. It is a heavy weave that follows a [url=http://petitcotillion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/spider-web-3.jpg]sheet[/url] pattern. The weave is strong and suffocating and does not have any small openings, it can be burnt or washed away easily but cutting it is not a option and it is the stickiest of all his web techniques. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Sticky Bola [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Senjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] All [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Eishi thickly wraps two balls of silk in his mouth and the spits them out. The Bola balls are connected by a thick strand of silk and are thrown as a bola. When they make contact with the target they silk wraps around and the sticky balls explode to secure and trap the target. Eishi an use this to either pin ares or legs down, or pin someone down to something. While the silk can be cut and burned, the sticky bolas cannot. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Spider Clone [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] D [b]Range:[/b] Self [b]Nature Type:[/b] N/A [b]Description:[/b] Using spiders as a catalyst, the Eishi creates a clone that function similarly to shadow clones. When dealt sufficient damage the clone will revert back into spiders. The spiders can also be used to enter areas that they might find difficult to access otherwise. The user can then manipulate its actions and have the snake morph into themselves, or into a clone, when given the command. [/hider] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/Center][/Color] [hr][/hider] [hr][hr][b][u]On the Bench reading plays:[/u][/b] N/A