All right questions to be answered, hope I got the codes in right... [quote=milkman]I'm working on a character right now. It will be a bit of a hybrid between Bard and Rogue. I'm making a kind of diplomat/spy character. Someone who uses her words and music to gather information and manipulate others. A character that can talk her way into the castle, steal the kings crown and have the lackey beheaded for it :) Now I'm a bit in doubt about the class skills. You've mentioned that we can take 4 skills. Now I've run a bit into the following problem. My main idea is that my character will get things done by interacting with others. Now there is a very long list of class skills that more or less reflect the interaction part of my character to fill up my class skills. Bluff, diplomacy, gather information, sense motive. I was wondering if we could combine that into one skill of "Advanced social skills" as they more or less overlap eachother and involve interacting with other characters. That way I can actually be more then just someone who's really good at talking with others :) Other skils I was thinking of are disguise, sleight of hand, move silently and I haven't even started talking about bardic music/knowledge, fighting and spells. I was thinking of dropping the spells entirely and giving "magical properties" to the music. Basicly use music to influence other people's emotions and attitudes. Also fightingskills are overrated :)[/quote] We want to adhere to the skill limit and this is why. This is a campaign for children (10-15 years of age), they simply haven't had the time in this world, teachers, or a chance to practice to truely get enough skill on any particular technique that they can actually claim to have that skill. In addition these children come from a tiny village that is fairly removed from the world. It's on a trade route but it has not enough acclaim to really warrent notice. 40-45 people in the village and that includes women and children. At this moment there simply isn't enough experience or use of skills to warrent more than 4 class skills. You might have something along the lines of lying (a precusor to bluff) as a village knowledge skill. More skills will be developed throughout the campaign as you "discover" where your talents lie. Bardic magics generally don't come until a bard has really had a chance to start developing their talents. A character that is only someone who is realy good at talking with others is exactly the sort of character these children should start out to be. You may pick up music, knowledge, or bardic magics as you grow into your role within the party and into your chosen line of work. [quote= Ollumhammersong] Question. Must I be a "Paladin of Honour" or am I allowed to take one of the other alignments? I may just end up going with the Paladin of Honour anyway. Im just exploring options [/quote] No, what you wish for your moral bent is completely up to you. It may even change over the course of the adventure. [quote=Dead Cruiser] Would a Psion be an acceptable class? [/quote] Not really and here is why. Any being with psionic talents would require immense training to develop the skill and master it enough. It would be all but impossible to find a teacher in the town not to mention once the town is left behind. I could conceivably see ways they could be in the town; but training on the road would be impossible and psionic skills would progress even slower than mage talents. Consideration would be given to a wild talent with a single psionic skill to begin with (would count as class skills) and it is likely they would be very untrained.